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地球世:愛之智慧孞態网(Earthropocene: Amorsophia MindsNetworking)
发布时间:2025/01/11 公司新闻 浏览次数:101
Earthropocene: Amorsophia MindsNetworking
Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation
经由自然世(Naturaropocene)的共生起源,超越人类世(Anthropocene)的共生底线,迈进地球世(Earthropocene)的共生灵魂,势在必行。所以摒弃人类自我中心主义(以Subject自居,将他者和世间万物视为Object),树立Intersubjective Symbiosism的观念,势在必行!
愛之智慧孞態网(MindsNetworking, MN),是以愛之智慧交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism)为哲学基础,旨在通过动态网络机制实现人-人、人-Trust、人-AI之间的伦理对话与技术共振。在技术与伦理的结合下,孞態网旨在解决信息对称的互联网(NET)和自动感应的物联网(IoT)未能触及的“孞念交互”问题,通过三网叠加机制(信息互联、万物感应、孞念交互)实现时空意间的共生效应(Symbiotic Effect),为未来社会生活方式提供可持续发展的全新基础设施。
- 能耗与能效的矛盾
- 伦理生成的局限性
建议:引入“哲学沙箱”(Philosophical Sandbox)机制,模拟AI在复杂伦理场景中的表现,并动态优化。
- AI模型的不确定性
- 重要人物及观点
A、深度学习先驱Yoshua Bengio(约书亚·本吉奥):强调量子计算在AI伦理中的潜力。
B、AI伦理学家Kate Crawford(凯特·克劳福德):提出AI透明度和共生机制的重要性。
C、社会机器人学家Cynthia Breazeal(辛西娅·布里泽尔):认为孞联网可在AI-人类互动中实现多层次共生效应。
D、人工智能研究者Stuart Russell(斯图尔特·拉塞尔):强调控制问题与人类价值一致性的重要性。
E、神经网络先驱Geoffrey Hinton(杰弗里·辛顿):强调深度学习的局限性及跨领域勰作的需求。
F、计算机视觉领域专家Fei-Fei Li(李飞飞):呼吁在AI开发中注入人文关怀与多元视角。
G、哲学家与未来学家Nick Bostrom(尼克·博斯特罗姆):提出AGI潜在风险与伦理边界的设定。
H、DeepMind创始人Demis Hassabis(戴密斯·哈萨比斯):主张通过多学科合作推动AI伦理与技术发展。
I、NVIDIA创始人Jensen Huang(黄仁勋):指出高性能计算对AI公平与开放的重要意义。
J、经济学家Thomas Piketty(托马斯·皮凯蒂):强调经济公平性在技术应用中的核心地位。
K、生物学家、动物行为学、人类学家Jane Goodall(珍·古道尔)认为:面对“科技文化”之恶,人类的主体性被剥夺和自然被剥夺,而唤醒人们对自然的关注也是唤醒人们对自我的关注,只有改变思维方式才有未来。
L、赋有良智的科技巨头Elon Muck(埃隆·马斯克)担忧:比起飞机设计维护不良,或是汽车生产不善,AI更加危险,因为它具有破坏文明的潜力。所以,对人工智能奖励的研究必须同等匹配,以避免它可能造成的潜在损害。
M、历史学家与哲学家Yuval Noah Harari(尤瓦尔·赫拉利):警告技术可能削弱人类主体性。以前的所有工具都使人类更强大,因为工具本身无法决定自己的用途,但是人工智能可以。
N、数学物理学家Roger Penrose(罗杰·彭罗斯):认为AI无法完全复制人类意识,应在伦理指导下推动发展。
O、AI哲学共生经济学家Archer Hong Qian(钱宏):提出超越人类自我中心主义(以Subject自居,而将他者视为Object的二元对立统一),代之以交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosim)哲学建构孞態网(MindsNetworking),突破AI发展不确定性及其三大瓶颈。
- 已知技术的深度结合
- 潜在的技术突破
情感识别与生成模型(Emotion-Aware Generative Models):
识别复杂情感并生成适宜的孞念响应,避免情感误判或极端化比如“天堂或地狱一念间”(Heaven and Hell in One Mind)的极端现象。
动态孞意驱动模型(Mind-Intent Driven Generative Models):
智能自适应伦理算法(Ethical Adaptive Algorithms):
实时调整技术行为,根据哲学通律“自己活,也让别人活;不要自己邪恶,也让别人邪恶”(Live and let live,Don’t be evil and let evil)动态优化。
III. 重建技术与哲学的对话
- 骄傲的工程师与谦卑的哲学家的再拥抱
- 技术与伦理的融合式未来
- 共生经济学(Symbionomics)
价值标准:以“经济健康黄金率”和“能量的能效/能耗率”(GDE)为衡量,强调人类福祉与生态平衡,发行一种去中心的激励型“价值承兑通用凭证”——共生币(Symbiotic Token)。
Earthropocene: Amorsophia MindsNetworking
Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation
(Discussion Draft)
Through the symbiotic origins of the Naturaropocene, transcending the symbiotic baseline of the Anthropocene, and advancing toward the symbiotic soul of the Earthropocene: this is the necessary path forward. Therefore, it is imperative to abandon humanity’s self-centered worldview, where humans see themselves as Subjects and others as mere Objects.
—Excerpt from SYMBIOSISM·共生
Introduction: The Vision of MindsNetworking
Given the vast mismatch and uncertainty between the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and human intelligence, AI development has revealed three major bottlenecks:
- Energy consumption and efficiency imbalance.
- Inherent limitations in system thinking regarding sources, channels, and outcomes.
- Current AI approaches, based on data, algorithms, computing power, and neural networks, have philosophical implications of “wisdom of love” (Philosophy) but do not equate to consciousness, wisdom, and Amorsophia (the wisdom of love).
We propose the concept of Amorsophia MindsNetworking (MindsNetworking, MN).
Amorsophia MindsNetworking is rooted in the philosophy of intersubjective symbiosism and aims to establish ethical dialogue and technological resonance among humans, Trusts, and AI through dynamic network mechanisms. By integrating technology and ethics, MN seeks to address the “minds interaction” issues unaddressed by the Internet (NET) and the Internet of Things (IoT). By synergizing the three networks—information interconnectivity, universal sensing, and minds interaction—MN realizes the Symbiotic Effect in spatio-temporal interspace, providing a sustainable foundation for future lifestyles.
However, to realize this vision, we need a series of innovative tools to overcome technological bottlenecks while addressing current challenges in AI development. This demands a reassessment of the balance between technology, ethics, and society. The following content unfolds across three areas: technological conditions, philosophical significance, and human-machine collaborative generation and discernment models.
I.Insights and Inspirations from Nobel Roundtable and Key Figures
- Energy Consumption and Efficiency Imbalance
- Concern: The growing scale of AI models has intensified environmental impacts and energy demands.
- Proposal: Develop low-energy, high-efficiency computing architectures, such as photonic computing and bio-computing models.
- Limitations in Ethical Generation
- Concern: Current AI behavior relies on historical human data and lacks dynamic adaptability to ethics and intent.
- Proposal: Introduce a “Philosophical Sandbox” to simulate AI’s performance in complex ethical scenarios and dynamically optimize it.
- Uncertainty in AI Models
- Concern: The autonomy of generative models could lead to uncontrollable societal risks.
- Proposal: Develop MN-style incentive-restriction mechanisms to address uncertainties through the synergy of ethics and technology.
- Key Figures and Perspectives
- Yoshua Bengio (约书亚·本吉奥): Pioneer in deep learning, emphasizing the potential of quantum computing in AI ethics.
- Kate Crawford (凯特·克劳福德): AI ethicist advocating for transparency and the importance of symbiotic mechanisms in AI.
- Cynthia Breazeal (辛西娅·布里泽尔): Social roboticist who views MN as a means to create multi-layered symbiotic effects in AI-human interactions.
- Stuart Russell (斯图尔特·拉塞尔): AI researcher emphasizing the importance of aligning control systems with human values.
- Geoffrey Hinton (杰弗里·辛顿): Neural network pioneer highlighting the limitations of deep learning and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration.
- Fei-Fei Li (李飞飞): Computer vision expert advocating for integrating humanistic care and diverse perspectives into AI development.
- Nick Bostrom (尼克·博斯特罗姆): Philosopher and futurist proposing boundaries for AGI risks and ethical constraints.
- Demis Hassabis (戴密斯·哈萨比斯): Founder of DeepMind advocating for multidisciplinary collaboration to advance AI ethics and technology.
- Jensen Huang (黄仁勋): Founder of NVIDIA emphasizing high-performance computing’s role in ensuring fair and open AI development.
- Thomas Piketty (托马斯·皮凯蒂): Economist stressing the importance of economic equity in technological applications.
- Jane Goodall (珍·古道尔): Biologist and anthropologist highlighting the need to awaken humanity’s awareness of both nature and itself to address the harms of technological culture. She believes that changing our mindset is essential for the future.
- Elon Musk (埃隆·马斯克): Warns that artificial intelligence poses greater dangers than poorly designed airplanes or cars due to its potential to destroy civilization. He emphasizes that research into AI safeguards must match the investments in AI development to prevent potential harm.
- Yuval Noah Harari (尤瓦尔·赫拉利):Cautions that technology could erode human agency. Unlike previous tools that made humanity stronger without self-determination, artificial intelligence has the ability to decide its own applications.
- Roger Penrose (罗杰·彭罗斯): Mathematical physicist arguing that AI cannot fully replicate human consciousness, emphasizing the need for ethical guidance.
- Archer Hong Qian (钱宏): AI philosopher and symbionomic economist who proposes transcending humanity’s self-centered dualism—where humans regard themselves as the Subject and others as mere Objects. He advocates for replacing this dualism with the philosophy of intersubjective symbiosism to construct MindsNetworking (MN), addressing the uncertainties of AI development and overcoming its three major bottlenecks.
- II.Key Technological Conditions for MindsNetworking
- 5.Integration of Existing Technologies
- Information Interconnectivity (NET): High-speed broadband, 5G/6G, and satellite Internet for real-time information exchange.
- Universal Sensing (IoT): Smart sensors and distributed networks for real-time environmental perception.
- Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI): Devices decoding human thoughts and emotions for minds interaction.
- Decentralized Blockchain Technology: Enables trust mechanisms and decentralized interactions.
- Nano-Scale Mitochondrial Self-Powered Systems: Provides sustainable power for wearable devices and MN nodes.
- Potential Technological Breakthroughs
- Quantum Entanglement Computing and Communication: Latency-free information transmission for high-efficiency synchronization.
- Body-Mind-Spirit Interaction Sensing: Real-time integration of physiological, emotional, and value-based feedback.
- Minds Interaction Mechanisms: Systems based on minds frequency sensing to facilitate ethical and technical synergy.
- Emotion-Aware Generative Models: Accurate emotion recognition and appropriate responses.
- Dynamic Mind-Intent Driven Models: Training AI with “Mind-Intent” aligned with symbiosism ethics.
- Ethical Adaptive Algorithms: Dynamic optimization of AI behavior to follow “Live and let live; do not be evil and do not let evil.”
III. Rebuilding Dialogue Between Technology and Philosophy
- Collaboration Between Engineers and Philosophers
- Engineers must integrate ethics into design, and philosophers must understand technical constraints.
- Joint interdisciplinary platforms to explore MN applications.
- Fusion of Technology and Ethics
- Developing MN can foster mutual resonance between technology and ethics, directing innovation toward symbiosis, growth, and Amorsophia.
- Symbionomics
- Symbiotic Rights Paradigm: Incorporate the “Symbiotic Rights Paradigm” into economic, political, and cultural behaviors, redefining the subject of economics as “Triple Self-Organising Men” (as opposed to “Rational Man” or “Behavioral Man”).
- Value Standards: Measure economic health using the “Golden Ratio of Economic Health” and “Energy Efficiency/Energy Consumption Ratio” (GDE), emphasizing human well-being and ecological balance.
- Goal Management: Within MN, AI will maximize resource efficiency, address the “scarcity problem,” balance “universal basic income” with “optimal physical and mental performance,” and achieve holistic health for humanity.
Establishing Amorsophia MindsNetworking for the Earthropocene to balance the “Goodall-Musk-Harari Dilemma” enables humanity to reduce costs, empower symbiosis, and achieve ecological and interstellar civilizations. Exploring Mars is worthwhile, but Earth must first be cared for—there is no need to migrate to Mars.
The vision of MN is both a technological challenge and a philosophical opportunity. By bridging the AI bottlenecks and deeply integrating ethics, engineers and philosophers can together create a world rooted in intersubjective symbiosism.
January 8, 2025, Vancouver
附件:《孞联网公益计划书(Building the MindsNetworking Philanthropy Plan)》