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发布时间:2025/01/03 公司新闻 浏览次数:138





Archer Hong Qian














因此,我们Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation(Canada),基于交互主体共生的哲学认知,反思现行世界秩序及二战炮火中诞生的联合国之得失利弊的基础上,不揣冒昧,抛砖引玉,提出和平解决俄乌战争的“第三条道路”方案,谨供交战方、国际社会,以及国际政治学界的方家批评参详。












  • 快速占领基辅:通过几天的“闪电战”逼迫乌克兰政府屈服,扶植亲俄政权。
  • 西方反应迟缓:受制于内部分歧与能源依赖,西方国家可能仅限于制裁和象征性谴责。
  • 乌克兰无力抵抗:乌克兰的军事实力与西方支持被普京严重低估。
  • 国家观念落后时代:正如战争爆发后半年,莫迪告诉普京的,如今不该是战争年代。粮食、化肥和能源安全是目前世界的主要关切。






  • 泽连斯基的留守与领导力:乌克兰总统泽连斯基拒绝撤离基辅,以坚定的姿态激励全国,成为全民抗战的象征。
  • 川普批准的军事援助作用:美制标枪导弹等武器在战争初期发挥了关键作用,大量摧毁俄军坦克,瓦解了“闪电战”计划。
  • 俄军的后勤与士气问题:后勤补给不足、士兵士气低迷和战术失误使俄军遭遇重大挫折,战争迅速陷入僵局。
  • 周围小国及欧美亚澳诸国同情和援助:国际社会对乌克兰的援助之慷慨,迅速出钱出力出人,特别是各国议会张开双臂接纳泽连斯基发表求助和公义演讲。













  • 威斯特伐利亚体系的传统:自1648年以来,主权国家是国际关系的核心单位,其核心是领土完整与内政自主。
  • 俄罗斯对主权的扭曲:普京以“保护俄罗斯族裔”和“防止北约东扩”为由入侵乌克兰,试图重新定义主权范围。




  • 现代人权观念(相对自然权利)普适化:人权跨越了主权界限,成为《世界人权宣言》(1948)和《国际人权公约》(1966)约束下的一个全新概念。
  • 冷战后的国际共识:人权逐渐成为全球共同体的核心价值,推动了一系列人道主义干预行动(如科索沃、利比亚)。
  • 乌克兰战争中的人权危机:战争造成大量平民伤亡与流离失所,而俄罗斯的镇压政策进一步恶化了人权状况。



  • 双重标准的实践:西方国家对俄罗斯的制裁与对乌克兰的支持,体现了人权优先的选择,但在叙利亚、也门等问题上却缺乏一致性。
  • 民族自决的模糊性:克里米亚与乌东地区的独立意愿如何平衡主权完整与人权保护,是国际法的棘手难题。




俄乌战争的持久化反映了国际法内在矛盾的复杂性:一方面,民族(公民)自决原则要求保障居民的自治与人权;另一方面,主权神圣不可侵犯原则又强调国家领土完整与权利的不可分割。在当前条件下,Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation(ISF)提出的“第三条道路”,为解决这一矛盾提供了创新路径,核心在于以动态平衡实现主权与人权的交互主体共生。




  • 普京的吞并计划:试图通过吞并争议地区达到既成事实,但这一方案违反“主权完整”的国际法,并加剧欧洲安全危机。
  • 泽连斯基的全面收复计划:虽符合主权原则,不但在军事和外交现实中难以实现,而且,同样符合国际法“民族自决”原则问题,即乌东四州、克里米亚以俄罗斯族及东正教信仰与乌中西部各族东仪天主教的矛盾,仍然没有解决,且在过去三年被侵占情况下,矛盾只会加剧,乌克兰很难进行有效治理。
  • 美国当选总统川普尽快结束战争“计划”:让乌克兰保证20年内不加入北约,美国继续供给乌克兰足够的武器;在冲突区域设立一个大约800英里长的非军事区。这个“计划”不管乌克兰和俄罗斯是否接受,但依旧没有解决“保护人权的主权神圣不可侵犯”与“高门槛的民族自决”矛盾。





  • 高门槛的独立自决:当一个国家内部的主权与人权矛盾不可调和时,允许争议地区通过国际监督的民主程序选择独立,但需满足高门槛条件:
    • 地区居民在公投中以显著多数支持独立。
    • 新国家必须具备可持续的经济、社会和政治治理能力。
  • 50年内不得并入他国:为避免新的领土争端,新独立国家在50年内禁止加入相邻的任何主权国家。这一原则确保了“保护人权的主权神圣不可侵犯”,同时避免独立过程成为相邻国家扩张的工具。例如:
    • 苏台德不可并入德国
    • 科索沃不可并入阿尔巴尼亚
    • 克里米亚不可并入俄罗斯



  • 在保障主权完整的基础上,为解决内部人权冲突赋予新的弹性机制。通过国际社会的中立干预和监督,既保护现行国家主权,又为冲突地区的和平变革提供空间。
  • 将现有主权原则从“绝对不可侵犯”调整为“在特殊情况下的程序性调整”,以保障人权优先与区域稳定。





  • 民主公投:在国际监督下,争议地区居民通过民主程序决定未来命运。公投选项包括:
    • 保持现状(在乌克兰框架内享受特殊自治权)。
    • 独立建国(成为主权国家并保持中立)。
    • 特殊地位(如联合国托管区)。
  • 国际监督机制:公投由联合国重新充实功能的“托管理事会”与“人权理事会”及川普提议的“欧洲国家”合署机构负责,而非现行“安全理事会”,以确保公平性和合法性。



  • 重新激活托管理事会:将联合国“托管理事会”赋予新的职能,专门负责争议地区的公投、监督与后续治理事务。
  • 提升人权理事会规格:将其功能从道义谴责拓展到实质性事务管理,确保新独立国家的可持续发展。
  • 合署更名为全球共生理事会:未来,将这两个机构合并为“UN全球共生理事会”(UN Global Symbiosis Council),作为国际社会实现和平与共生的中枢机构。



  • 独立但中立:新独立国家需保持中立身份,不得加入任何军事联盟,避免成为地缘政治对抗的棋子。
  • 经济与安全保障:国际社会提供发展援助和安全保护,帮助中立缓冲区实现长期稳定。



  • AI与区块链技术的应用:通过技术手段监督公投和治理过程的透明性,防止腐败、干预和不公。
  • 国际多边参与:吸引包括新兴经济体在内的广泛支持,避免解决方案被视为西方主导的工具。





  • 公投与独立自决过程在国际监督下进行,避免因双重标准而引发争议。
  • 50年的并入限制有效防止地区冲突,确保新独立国家的稳定性与合法性。



  • 普京的战略顾虑消解:通过中立缓冲区的设立,俄罗斯失去了继续扩张的理由,同时也保留了一定的面子。
  • 乌克兰的重建机会:乌克兰通过明确边界与争议解决,可以专注于国内经济社会的重建。



  • 安理会的地位调整:现行联合国安理会因常任理事国成为侵略者而失去合法性,全球共生理事会的成立将填补其功能空缺。
  • 主权与人权的动态平衡:通过托管与中立机制,开创解决区域冲突的新模式,为全球其他争端提供借鉴。


(4)防止统治世界的帝国、联盟或轴心政治的再现 如此一来,任何国家、联盟或集团试图通过扩张或霸权统治世界的企图,都将因公投监督机制、中立缓冲区和主权独立原则而成为事实上的不可能。




(1)推动全球和平共生 第三条道路不仅为俄乌战争提供了实际解决方案,还创造了更广泛的和平与稳定框架,推动全球迈向交互主体共生的新时代。


(2)奠定全球共生公约的基础 以解决俄乌战争为起点,为未来《全球共生公约》的制定提供具体实践经验,推动国际社会的全面合作与改革。


(3)赋能AI时代的新秩序 技术驱动的监督与执行机制为国际治理注入新的透明性与效率,提升国际合作的可信度。











作者单位:多元共生基金会(Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation)


The Russia-Ukraine War Was an Accident, but the Solution Must Be Exceptional


——Toward a New International Order of Intersubjective SymbiosisBy 


By  Archer Hong Qian


Context of the Times

The Russia-Ukraine War, which erupted on February 24, 2022, is not only the most severe geopolitical conflict of the 21st century but also starkly exposes the inherent contradictions and fragility of the current international order.


Despite the tragic lessons of the Winter War, the successful conclusion of the Cold War, the punitive measures of the Gulf War, humanitarian interventions during the Kosovo War, the International Criminal Court’s indictment of Libya’s president for crimes against humanity, and the international community’s weak appeasement in the Crimea and South Ossetia crises, the eruption and persistence of the Russia-Ukraine War—escalating from invasion to confrontation—has been a tragic and painful accident.


This applies to the Russian people under Vladimir Putin’s leadership, the Ukrainian people under Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s leadership, and to all those worldwide who value a rules-based international order and peaceful development.


The greatest shock for Putin was the Ukrainian people’s election in 2019 of a “Marvel-like” superhero in Zelenskyy, who had already taken office on May 20 three years prior. Zelenskyy, undaunted in the face of danger, leveraged Javelin anti-tank missiles obtained during Donald Trump’s first term in 2017, along with widespread civilian mobilization, to lead Ukraine in swiftly thwarting Russia’s advances.


Yet, this tragic and painful accident has once again highlighted the fundamental contradiction in the dual principles of “sovereignty and human rights” within the current international order and international law. It is precisely this contradiction that renders all peace plans aimed at resolving international and domestic conflicts susceptible to bias and partiality.


Now, after nearly three years, the Russia-Ukraine War has reached a stalemate. Both sides are exhausted yet unwilling to stop, and all proposed peace plans risk favoring one side, leading to near-impasse solutions.


As a Chinese proverb aptly states: “When the mountain appears to have no more paths, a hidden village emerges beyond the shaded willow trees and bright flowers.” This tragic and painful war—which, as Trump remarked, should never have happened—presents a positive opportunity to reassess and reconstruct the global order and to resolve the contradiction between sovereignty and human rights in international law.


Thus, we, the Intersubjective Symbiosism Foundation (Canada), based on the philosophical understanding of intersubjective symbiosis, reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the post-World War II United Nations framework. In this spirit, we humbly propose a “Third Path” for peacefully resolving the Russia-Ukraine War, inviting critique and insights from the warring parties, the international community, and experts in international political science.


Framework for Analysis
Through a tripartite structure of Accident Analysis, Contradiction Diagnosis, and Solution Proposal, we present principled perspectives for addressing this crisis.


Part I: Accident Analysis – From Predicted Victory to Blitzkrieg Failure


I. Putin’s Misjudgment and Strategic Confidence

Putin anticipated:

  1. Rapid Capture of Kyiv through a blitzkrieg forcing Ukraine to surrender.
  2. Western Hesitation due to energy dependence and internal divisions.
  3. Ukraine’s Weakness in resisting aggression.
  4. Outdated Statecraft: Assuming war strategies of the past would succeed.

II. Unexpected Developments

  1. Zelenskyy’s Leadership: Staying in Kyiv inspired national unity.
  2. Trump-Approved Weapons: Javelin missiles critically undermined Russian tanks.
  3. Russian Army’s Failures: Logistical and morale issues caused setbacks.

III. A Dramatic Turn


Russia’s blitzkrieg strategy failed, turning the war into a prolonged conflict.


Part II: Contradiction Diagnosis – The Dilemma of Sovereignty and Human Rights

IV. Core of Sovereignty


  • Rooted in the Westphalian system, sovereignty emphasizes territorial integrity.
  • Russia distorted sovereignty to justify aggression.

V. Rise of Human Rights


  • Human rights gained international recognition through post-war declarations.
  • Humanitarian interventions in Kosovo and Libya embodied global commitments.

VI. The Conflict Between Sovereignty and Human Rights


  • Double Standards: Western responses to human rights abuses vary by context.
  • National Self-Determination: Balancing independence aspirations with sovereignty and human rights remains complex.

Part III: Solution Proposal – The Third Path and Reshaping Global Order


VII. The Limitations of Current Proposals

  1. Putin’s Annexation Strategy: Violates international law and escalates tensions.
  2. Zelenskyy’s Recovery Plan: Faces logistical and governance challenges in disputed territories.
  3. Trump’s Ceasefire Plan: Lacks solutions to sovereignty-human rights contradictions.

VIII. Core Principles of Resolution


  1. High-Threshold Independence:
    • Democratic referenda under international supervision for disputed regions.
    • Newly independent states must remain neutral and refrain from joining other nations for 50 years.
  2. Revised Sovereignty:
    • Sovereignty should prioritize regional human rights, with mechanisms for flexibility in humanitarian crises.

IX. Implementing the Third Path


  1. Referenda for Disputed Regions:
    • Options include autonomy, independence, or UN trusteeship.
    • Supervised by a restructured UN Trusteeship and Human Rights Council.
  2. Global Symbiosis Council:
    • Merging the Trusteeship and Human Rights Councils into a new body to ensure fair implementation.
  3. Neutral Buffer Zones:
    • Independent states in disputed regions must remain neutral and avoid alliances.
  4. Global Technical Support:
    • AI and blockchain to ensure transparent governance and fair outcomes.

Part IV: Strengths of the Third Path


X. Advantages of the Proposal


  1. Balance Between Sovereignty and Human Rights:
    • Supervised independence avoids bias and ensures stability.
  2. A Practical End to the Russia-Ukraine War:
    • Neutral buffer zones address territorial disputes.
  3. Reshaping the Global Order:
    • Replacing the current UN Security Council with the Global Symbiosis Council addresses its failings.
  4. Preventing Global Hegemony:
    • Ensures no empire or alliance can dominate international systems.

Part V: Global Implications


XI. A New International Framework


  1. Global Peace and Symbiosis:
    • The Third Path creates a sustainable model for peace.
  2. Foundation for a Global Symbiosis Charter:
    • Provides experience for future international agreements.
  3. Empowering Governance in the AI Era:
    • Technical transparency strengthens global cooperation.

Conclusion: A New Chapter for Peace and Symbiosis


The Third Path provides a practical solution for peacefully ending the Russia-Ukraine War. It represents an innovative approach that transcends traditional adversarial thinking and the monopolization of resources through privilege. By enabling a high-threshold mechanism for national self-determination and ensuring oversight by the Global Symbiosis Council, this approach seeks to resolve the deep-seated contradictions between sovereignty and human rights. At the same time, it lays the foundation for restructuring the international security framework and advancing the concept of global symbiosis.


Ending war and reshaping order is not merely a solution to the Russia-Ukraine conflict; it marks the beginning of a new chapter for global peace and symbiosis. Through this path, any aspirations for world domination by empires, alliances, or axis powers will become factually impossible!





