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The Crux of China’s Economic and Social Structural Problems

发布时间:2021/11/18 公司新闻 浏览次数:490

The Crux of China’s Economic and Social Structural Problems


The structural defects of Yifu Lin’s New Structural Economics  (Abstract)


Archer Hong QIAN


President of the Institute for Global Symbiosism(HK) 


Executive Summary


This abstract is extracted from the article Practical Strengths and Theoretical Deficiencies of YIfu Lin’s New Structural Economics published on the WeChat public channel Global Symbiosis Forum (IGS1218) in January 2018, two months before the Sino-US “Trade War” began.


Over the past year or so, the key problem of the Sino-US trade war can be summed up in one sentence, that is, both China and the US have structural problems in their respective economies and societies.  Therefore, both have ample room for improvement (see Archer Hong Qian: The China model and the US model each have plenty room for improvement — written at the publication of Fukuyama’s Identity and the China Development Summit Special Topic Symposium, and International Daily  But to improve or change, one has to find the crux of its structural problems. Here the crux refers first and foremost to the way of thinking in economics and value orientation.


Common sense tells us that problems caused by a certain way of thinking could not be solved by the same way of thinking. Due to Mr. Yifu Lin’s special political status and influence, there is a certain high degree of correlation between the structural defects of his so-called New Structural Economics (NSE) theory and the structural problems of China’s economy and society. Therefore, when we set out to solve China’s economic and social structural problems, we not only can no longer use the thinking of NSE to solve the problem, but also must sort out the structural defects of Mr. Lin’s NSE.


From the perspective of Symbionomics (symbiotic economics), NSE certainly has its practical merits. However, apart from the “structural omissions” of the NSE, such as geographical “Horizontal country comparative study”, China’s “Regional comparative study, Urban and rural comparative study, and Social strata comparative study”, NSE clearly has six “theoretical deficiencies” in just positioning the relationships between China’s market and the government, economy and politics, foundation and superstructure. 



NSE: new structural economics

MET: market economy theory



The following is the abstract.


The “New Structural Economics (NSE)” negates the country dependence theory of the “old structural economics”, but unconsciously forms its own dependence theory of enterprises and citizens (farmers).


Mr. Yifu Lin, as an independent economist, has the theoretical ambition of establishing “China’s economics” on the basis of “China’s economic miracle”, and has even made valuable efforts to “bring China into the world” in “helping” African countries speak and helping Chinese enterprises “go global”. In particular, he has shown a sincere heart to speak on behalf of “the triple objects of governments, enterprises, and farmers (citizens) “, which is awestruck. However, despite all that, compared with the “Longitudinal country comparative study“, his NSE has obvious theoretical defects in the study of the relationships between China’s “market and government”, “economy and politics” and “foundation and superstructure”, while NSE has obvious structural omissions in Regional comparative study”, “Geographical and humanistic comparative study” (including “horizontal country comparison”), “Urban and rural comparative study”, especially Social strata comparative study“.


Leaving aside the four “structural omissions” mentioned above, just speaking of defining the relationships between China ‘s market and government, economy and politics, foundation and superstructure, Lin’s NSE has the following six obvious “theoretical deficiencies”.


First, from the perspective of legal common sense, governments, enterprises and farmers (citizens) are not the “triple object” of economists, but the “triple subject (entity)” with the ability to self-organize and balance outreach, i.e., governments, enterprises and farmers (citizens) all have the economic significance of legal “behavior entity”, or “three self-organizational person”.

Therefore, although Yifu Lin also regards viability of enterprises as the basis of NSE’s micro-analysis, which theoretically transcends the “macro-economics” and “micro-economics” division of the current economy, he failed to establish in legal principle that enterprises are market entities, let alone recognizing the economic entity status of individual citizens (farmers).


Second, philosophically, Marx said, “The first premise of all human history is, of course, the existence of living human individuals”. “Triple entity” only emphasizes the player status of governments, enterprises and farmers (citizens). They are all players because they all have the history-creating “life’s self-organizing vitality and outreach balance” and none is a standing-alone entity.  Whether in economic, political, cultural, or social activities, governments, enterprises and farmers (citizens) are all involved in “inter-entity” interactions. From this observation, we define these economic research objects as Three Self-Organization Person, who is an actor of trinity (you, me and him/her/it) persons showing symbiotic growth, and whose behavior pattern shows features of open empowerment as a political self-organizing person, economic self-organizing person and cultural self-organizing person.  It is not difficult to understand this fact and definition. We only need to prove it in the “division of labor” theory (Adam Smith), “mutual aid” theory (Kropotkin), “innovation” theory (Schumpeter) and “pencil story” (Krudman).


Third, it is not difficult to find out that China’s “comparative advantage endowment” in Yifu Lin’s NSE has the following three characteristics. First, low cost and high cumulative efficiency, such as “late-development advantage” (the corresponding disadvantages are opportunistic laziness and rule violation), arbitrage actions and thinking (which restrain innovative thinking).  The second is the external advantages of low barrier and high return, such as joining WTO as the largest developing country “hitchhiking” + “promise to bicker”. The third is to give full play to the Chinese inherent viral “strategic advantage” (out-of-the-box thinking) and “institutional bullying tort advantage” (officials-as-masters thinking) in the current rules.


Most importantly, as Mr. Lin probably has the sense that “it brings no honor to the victor”, he intentionally or unconsciously only talks about “post-development advantage” (arbitrage thinking) and “strategic advantage” (out-of-the-box thinking), and shelves “external advantage” and ignores “institutional bullying tort advantage” (official-as-masters thinking). Meanwhile, arbitrage thinking and out-of-the-box thinking, are like “Tianji’s way of horse-racing”, which unexpectedly compare one’s own strengths to the weaknesses of others, and are of a typical “evil of cleverness”– dishonest and breaking rules of the game (such as breaking competition-of-equals rule of boxing, wrestling, weightlifting, track and field events in the Olympics Games), while (official-as-master) the-strong-takes-all “master thinking” made the China style “resource monopoly + semi-control & semi-market + demolition” a popular practice. As a result, it theoretically avoids or obscures the unprecedented intensification of the basic contradiction between China’s “huge superstructure and overloaded economic base”.


Fourth, at the present stage of China, does the factor endowment structure match her industries and technologies? Is the superstructure born in the economic base? In other words, are China’s current institutional arrangements and two-track gradual reform, including officials-as-masters, land fiscal policy and land financing, taxation and media, born in China’s current factors (including capital, labor and natural resources) endowment structure and its matching industries and technologies? That is to say, whether the two are suitable for each other, and how will their interactions adapt and change over time?


The 19th CPC National Congress report believes that “the principal contradiction in our society is the contradiction between the growing needs of the people for a better life and the imbalance and inadequate development.” Is this basic contradiction related to the “basic contradiction between the huge superstructure and the overloaded economic base”? Obviously, under the actions of the “basic contradiction”, the only magic tool that governments at all levels and state-owned enterprises could use is kidnapping all resources and people of this land in economy, in politics, and in society and   carrying out destructive “comprehensive leverage”.  As long as it is for development and GDP growth, China’s officials dare to make Chinese society, environment, state, citizens and their descendants to pay any price, because China’s officials have their unique “three hard principles” + “three advantage endowments” in the world.


The three hard principles are: the first is the so-called “state ownership” of ministries and industries, the second is the GDP performance evaluation criteria, and the third is habitual suppression of society innovation (even suppression of governmental organizational innovation). 


The three advantage endowments are: resource asymmetry advantage, information asymmetry advantage, power and responsibility asymmetry advantage. These are the comparative advantages of the Chinese governments (officials), but they also make them fall into the “Xiao He equality law” (see “How to get out of the” mid-transition trap“? , published in Key Economic References issue No. 38, 2018, of The Development Research Center of the State Council).


Therefore, whenever we talk about comparative advantages in China, we must make it clear: whose comparative advantages? Who dominates the structure of factor endowment? Do the comparative advantages of the two-track gradual reform lie in government intervention or in enterprise viability? From the perspective of the two-track gradual reform, if the factor endowment structure only refers to “capital, labor and natural resources and the level of industry and technology”, but does not include the “official-based institutional arrangements for land finance, finance, taxation and media”, then it’s obviously not a complete summary. The importance of this issue involves the assessment of “basic national conditions” or “China characteristics”.


Fifth, therefore, naturally the NSE does not talk about the “superior / inferior nature of backwardness” (see the debate between Xiaokai Yang and Yifu Lin in 2002) and only talks about “the advantages of backwardness”; NSE also does not talk about the “energy efficiency / energy consumption duality of industrial planning” (see the debate between Yifu Lin and Weiying Zhang in 2016), but only “the effectiveness and the necessity of industrial planning” and ignoring the rest.


In today’s world with the emergence of three major limits: the limit of growth, the limit of confrontation, and the limit of manipulated evil-doing, with the strengthening of self-organizing vitality and outreach balance of individual citizens and communities of all countries, and under the conditions of the third globalization wave in the ecological era with inclusive resources allocation (relative to colonial era and free trade era), our strategic thinking of the Emperor Qin and Han Wu style, which re-emphasizes the necessity of conflicts between sovereignty states of developmentalism and demands “sacrifices” from our citizens and societies, is not only outdated, but also violates the common sense that universality resides in particularity, and even loses the goal and direction of “making a bigger GDP cake”.


Sixth, therefore, it is difficult for us to see the NSE to put forward theoretical innovative methods and policy measures in the aspects of “Regional comparative study, Geographical comparative study (including horizontal country comparison), Urban and rural comparative study, especially Social strata comparative study“. Therefore, the NSE generally ignores the resource burden imbalance that every person living in this land who has basic perception and common sense can find out easily– natural burden imbalance, societal burden imbalance, family burden imbalance (health of the body, mind and soul), etc., the empirical fact of broad ecological burden imbalance.


I would like to make it clear that economic theories with these theoretical deficiencies and structural omissions are not only just Yifu Lin’s NSE, but also the structuralism to be introduced by Mr. Yifu Lin, and the “neo-liberalism and the policy prescription of the Washington Consensus” which draws a clear line with NSE, and even include the so-called “Socialist Political Economics of Contemporary China” which is touted as “market economy theory 3.0”.


By the way, in order to explain the “China miracle”, someone divided the “market economy theory (MET)” into three types: 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 — that is, the traditional liberal economics since Smith and the contemporary neo-liberal economics belong to the MET1.0; and the economics that advocate state intervention represented by Keynes and the earlier Liszt belong to MET2.0; and the Socialist Political Economics of Contemporary China belongs to MET3.0. Furthermore, they believe that MET3.0 is an inheritance and development of MET2.0, and is fundamentally opposed to MET1.0.

At a first glance, this division seems to highlight the economic status of MET 3.0 in the “three-dimensional subject market economy theory”, and it embedded the counter-reactions and even super-active effect of politics, government (state) and superstructure to economy, enterprises and foundation into traditional economics.


However, it cannot solve the worldwide situation of “centurial pendulum cyclical predicament of market freedom and government regulation”, or the situation of “raise prices to eliminate inventory, and increase production to reduce production capacity” and “add flour when water is in excess, and add water when flour is in excess”. On the contrary, it aggravates the trend of “politicization of economy, and economization of politics” and “marginalization of citizens and society” (so called the superiority of “concentrating efforts to do great things” can not only do great good things, but also do great bad things! ), and even leads to the collapse of the “social base” (rural decline and/or urban hollowing out) and “natural revenge”, that is, the reverse problems of “harmonious symbiosis between human beings and nature”.


As long as we do not jump out of the dual economic form of “government economy” and “market economy”, as well as the simple economic thinking of “macroeconomics” and “microeconomics” dichotomy, and do not “let production return to life”– that is, everyone can be healthy, simple, noble, dignified, and can sustainably and happily rehabilitate — contemporary economics can not get out of the embarrassing situation of the “centurial pendulum”. In other words, just as the “purely military viewpoint” at a time in the past could not solve the problems of China’s revolution, today, “pure economics thinking” can not solve the problems of China’s economy to transit from “have it or not” to “good or not” in the views of ecological civilization development.  


Based on the above, it remains to be seen whether the NSE has the potential to “clarify the boundary between state intervention and market mechanism in a more general theoretical sense, and provide the basis for more innovative economic ideas”. But I think, regardless of whether NSE has such potential, I do hope that Mr. Yifu Lin’s good wish to “train people who can win the Nobel Prize in economics”– bringing Chinese scholars to the Nobel Prize in economics–will become a reality in the near future, given the platforms of the Institute of New Structural Economics of Peking University and the Research Institute of South-South Cooperation.


Finally, Mr. Yifu Lin’s devotion to Bing Li and his son, who built the Dujiangyan water conservancy project, let me renew my respect. I am also curious that Mr. Lin likes Yangming Wang’s philosophy. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, it is widely popularized that knowledge is power, technology is power, management is power, authority is power, and capital is power. Therefore, in recent years,  we observed the emergence of “conscience school”, “Yangming boom”, “four-sentence teaching”, “conscience education” and “Yangming College” phenomena, and so we understood.


However, a common sense that everyone knows in his/her heart is that knowledge and technology have no direction, and knowledge and technology are “not printed coins that can be used” (Bacon) and must go through self-organization of individual lives. While management, authority and capital have powers and their own directions, but their directions have a fare greater probability of pointing to evil (manipulation, monopoly) than pointing to justice and appropriateness (justice and balance), or at least have “duality”. This is because that in the sense of social division of labor, knowledge and technology belong to the category of information energy, which have use values of non-exclusive tools; while management, authority and capital belong to the category of material energy and are exclusive tools, so that they have a value propensity.


In contemporary China, we see the prevail of all kinds of “Science of Success” based on “Unity of Knowledge and Action” and “Integration of Knowledge and Practice“. But what if these sciences are “immoral” or “improper”?  This is also the primary problem that Adam Smith faced when he published The Theory of Moral Sentiments in 1759, which is why he published The Wealth of Nations nervously as late as 15 years later. (in Fudan  Campus, on January 26, 2018)


I have always firmly believed that the Sino-US trade delegation has the wisdom to reach trade agreements aimed at promoting structural changes. In this way, the above combing work may open up ideas for solving China’s economic and social structural problems.


Shenzhen Langhu Hotel on May 3, 2019.

Translator: Yadi Tan


Mobile :+1 236 558 7628 or +86 13818181587








錢 宏





本摘要,摘自中美“贸易战”开打前两个月的2018年1月,发表在 “全球共生论坛”公众号(IGS1218)上的《林毅夫新结构经济学的现实长项与理论缺失》。




















第二,从哲学上看,马克思说,任何历史的第一个前提,是“有生命的个人”的存在。“三重主体”只是强调政府、企业、农民(公民)的主体地位,之所以都有主体地位,是因为政府、企业、农民(公民)都具有创造历史的“生命自组织内生性活力与外连接平衡能力”而又非独存的主体。无论在经济活动,还是在政治活动、文化活动、社会活动中,政府、企业、农民(公民)都是一种“主体间性”的相互作用共襄生活的过程。由此观察,我们对经济学研究对象,给出仨自组织人的定义,仨自组织人(Three Self-Organization Person),即行为方式上同时具有开放赋能(Open empowerment)的政治自组织人、经济自组织人、文化自组织人三位一体全人称(你我他)共襄生长特征的行为主体。理解这一事实和定义并不难,我们甚至只需在“分工”理论(亚当·斯密)、“互助”理论(克鲁泡特金)、“创新”理论(熊彼得)和“铅笔的故事”(克鲁德曼)中就能加以证实。





































