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The President of the United States is Facing a Hamlet-like Dilemma! What to Do?
发布时间:2025/03/10 公司新闻 浏览次数:19
The President of the United States is Facing a Hamlet-like Dilemma! What to Do?
By Archer Hong Qian
You, I, and everyone else live in an era where extreme personal freedom clashes with extreme concentration of power. If we continue to be entangled in the philosophy of subject-object duality and the law of the strong, the world will lose its sense of direction, security, and happiness, ultimately regressing into barbarism, leading to mutual destruction!
In 1601, at the dawn of a new century in England, humanist ideals had already become widespread, but at the same time, social conflicts intensified. The stark contrast between the ugliness of reality and the grandeur of ideals led to violent clashes, signaling the beginning of a new great era.
It was during this time that the great William Shakespeare (1564–1616) penned the genius work Hamlet. Through the Danish prince’s soliloquy, he asked:
“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”
Through this, Shakespeare vividly portrayed how the English people of the time struggled to break free from the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”, challenge social injustices, and forge wisdom through patience and perseverance. Eventually, they embarked on a great social transformation.
This heroic and epic spirit of the era enabled England, over half a century, to complete the political foundation laid out by the Bill of Rights (1689) and the Act of Toleration (1689). These achievements, in turn, paved the cultural groundwork for the marketization, legalization, and democratization of the Industrial Revolution, setting the precedent for modern civilization for the next 500 years.
Today, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, stands at a similar historical juncture. However, the past does not dictate the future—new times demand new philosophies!
Trump’s Hamlet-like Dilemma: How to Turn the Tide?
Look at this unfolding situation!
At the Munich Security Conference, the newly elected Vice President J.D. Vance’s call for European self-reliance, combined with the White House’s internal struggles over the U.S.-Ukraine Mineral Agreement, has thrown Trump into an unprecedented diplomatic vortex.
Europe’s contradictions are shocking—
On one hand, it righteously supports Ukraine in international meetings;
On the other, it continues to funnel money to Russia, sustaining its energy needs.
This paradox of “verbal support vs. actual interests” has ironically made Trump—who leads the nation providing the most aid to Ukraine and genuinely seeks peace—the primary target of attacks by European politicians and global media.
Trump is being scolded left and right, but this is not just a diplomatic crisis with traditional allies—
It is a Hamlet-like dilemma that history has thrown upon him, demanding urgent answers!
At the heart of it, Trump faces one fundamental question:
As the democratically elected President of the United States,
How can he safeguard America’s core interests while reversing the collapse and imbalance of the current international order?
How can MAGA—“Make America Great Again”—lead to genuine global intersubjective symbiosism?
This includes resolving the Russia-Ukraine War, the Israel-Palestine conflict, tensions in the Indo-Pacific, and global trade imbalances.
What to Do? Escape the Bind or Break Through?
Trump has already taken action.
He has decided to accept and sign the final version of the U.S.-Ukraine Mineral Agreement, first proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during the 2024 U.S. presidential election.
Through this agreement, Trump binds America’s interests to Ukraine, giving himself a solid basis to:
✅ Address U.S. voters’ concerns
✅ Pressure Russia to come to the negotiating table
However, this is only the first step in the peace process.
The real breakthrough lies elsewhere:
Trump must activate Europe’s economic dynamism while curing the “cancer” of political correctness, welfare dependency, de-militarization, and excessive Islamization.
At the same time, he must help Europe solve its fundamental energy crisis—
Thus, he must push forward a far more impactful agreement: the U.S.-Europe Petrochemical Agreement—
A deal that would completely restructure Europe’s energy market and enable Europe to fully commit to overturning the Russia-Ukraine conflict from its core.
The U.S.-Europe Petrochemical Agreement: A Structural Transformation for a New Era
What does this agreement entail?
Its five core objectives are:
1️⃣ Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis
—Fully open U.S.-Europe energy markets, including the U.S., Canada, and 29 European nations (beyond NATO and the EU, including Ukraine).
—Completely lift restrictions on oil and gas production and supply channels, which would improve U.S.-Canada relations.
2️⃣ Cut Off Russia’s Strategic Resources at Their Root
—Free Europe from Russian energy dependence, thus crippling Putin’s war finances.
3️⃣ Create Millions of U.S. Jobs and Balance Trade Deficits
—Massively expand America’s energy industry, creating millions of jobs while reducing trade friction with Europe.
4️⃣ End the “Tariff War” and Rebuild Alliances
—Replace economic confrontation with cooperation, stabilizing trade deficits.
—Restore mutually beneficial relations among the U.S. and its allies, advancing the “Three-Zero Rule” of zero tariffs, zero barriers, and zero discrimination under the new globalization framework.
5️⃣ Generate Hundreds of Billions of Dollars, Reshaping the Global Order
—This funding can be reinvested domestically in infrastructure and emerging industries, while also bolstering support for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific region.
This is an incredibly bold strategic move—
If Trump plays this chess move correctly, his MAGA movement will not only thrive but also bring about a fundamental transformation of U.S. and global order.
Trump’s Hamlet-like Choice: Stand Still or Turn the Tide?
In 1601, Hamlet faced a collapsing British social order—
England ultimately spent half a century laying the political and economic foundations for modern capitalism.
In 2025, President Trump faces the challenge of reshaping global rights structures.
He must decide:
Will he passively endure “the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”?
Or will he forge wisdom and courage in patience, using new strategies and philosophies to turn the tide?
The answer is clear—
If the U.S.-Europe Petrochemical Agreement is implemented, Trump’s MAGA movement will immediately shift from passivity and misunderstanding to becoming the beginning of a globally symbiotic new order—one that is acceptable to all: across the left and right, East and West, and both liberal and conservative ideologies.
March 8, 2025 – Night, Vancouver
钱 宏主编:《全球共生:化解冲突重建世界秩序的中国学派》Global Symbiosism: Chinese School of Defusing Clashes and Rebuilding the World Order,台湾晨星出版社,2018
作者联系方式;+1 604 690 6088
By Archer Hong Qian
“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”
看看这张集合图!在慕尼黑安全会议上,因新当选的美国副总统万斯(J.D. Vance)呼吁欧洲自立的言论,以及《乌美矿产协议》遭遇白宫之灾,带来的连锁反应,川普陷入了一场前所未有的外交漩涡。
川普先生正面临一个根本问题是:作为美国的民选总统,如何在确保美国核心利益的同时,扭转当前国际秩序的崩塌失衡,以MAGA带动实现真正的全球交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism)?其中包括如何结束俄乌战争、巴以冲突、印太紧张局势和国际贸易失衡。
地球人(生物智慧与人艺智能AI)自组织连接动态平衡起来,消弥两千年来特别近三百年来,人类以Subject(主体)自居而以他者和世界作为Object(客体)来支配、操纵的自我轴心主义,世界将随之进入一个“愛是尽善尽美联结”的Intersubjective Symbiosism(交互主体共生场域)的结构性转变(Transform)的全新时代!
孞 烎
2025.3.8 夜 Vancouver
钱 宏主编:《全球共生:化解冲突重建世界秩序的中国学派》Global Symbiosism: Chinese School of Defusing Clashes and Rebuilding the World Order,台湾晨星出版社,2018
作者联系方式;+1 604 690 6088