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伟哉马斯克!Great is Musk!

发布时间:2025/02/09 公司新闻 浏览次数:29

伟哉马斯克!Great is Musk!


By Archer Hong Qian








  1. 哲学层面:挑战旧秩序,塑造新规则


在人类历史的每一个重大变革时期,都有“重建规则者”(Rule Rebuilders),他们不仅挑战旧有的社会、经济、科技体系,还能构建新的规则体系,使其成为新时代的基础。


  • 古代:伯阳父、悉达多、苏格拉底、孔子、老子、耶稣等人挑战传统思想体系,奠定了后世哲学与社会规则。
  • 近代:马丁路德宗教改革,洛克规范政府的边界,亚当·斯密重塑市场规则,爱因斯坦突破经典物理,推动人类认知自由跃迁。
  • 当代:米莱在阿根廷进行的共生经济(Symbionomics)改革,马斯克正试图通过降本赋能,重构能源、交通、太空探索、人工智能,乃至重构信息流动、政治经济、主体客体、左派右派、东方西方二元对立统一的基本规则。


在Intersubjective Symbiosism(交互主体共生)的框架下,一个真正能引领全球新时代的人,不仅要拥有技术或资本,还必须具备重塑人与人、人与AI、人与宇宙关系的能力。




  1. 经济层面:马斯克的规则重建 vs. 传统资本主义


(1) 传统资本主义的失衡



  • 过度金融化,财富流向金融寡头,而非实体经济。
  • 资本与国家权力结合,形成“食税型”经济结构。
  • 产业创新停滞,依赖政府补贴或垄断获取利润,而非技术突破。


(2) 马斯克的经济模式:去中心化、高风险、高回报的创造性破坏

  • SpaceX:重构航天工业 → 过去航天完全由政府掌控,而他用商业模式打破NASA的封闭体系。
  • Tesla:重塑汽车产业 → 传统汽车公司依赖供应链优势,而他直接推动电动化+自动驾驶+能源系统重构。
  • Starlink:去中心化互联网 → 让信息流动不再受制于国家或传统通讯公司,实现信息平权。
  • Neuralink + xAI:重新定义人机交互 → 让AI成为人类增强工具,而不是一个封闭的黑箱。




  1. 科技层面:突破路径依赖,推动人类进入新纪元




(1) 传统科技公司的“温和创新”

  • 微软、苹果、谷歌、亚马逊虽然推动了技术进步,但他们本质上是在旧有体系上优化,而非彻底重构。
  • 例如,谷歌的搜索依然基于广告经济,苹果的创新依然受限于封闭生态,微软的AI依然受资本市场控制。


(2) 马斯克的“范式转换”

  • SpaceX 彻底打破“政府独占航天”的传统,推进可回收火箭与火星移民。
  • 特斯拉不是传统汽车公司,而是一个能源生态公司,彻底改变“车-电网-能源”的关系。
  • Starlink 让信息自由流动,降低全球信息鸿沟,未来可能成为孞联网(MindsNetworking)的重要支撑节点。
  • xAI 强调去中心化与人类共生的AI,试图打破OpenAI、DeepMind等资本控制的AI模式,让AI真正服务个体,而不是成为“数据寡头的工具”。


马斯克的技术思维并不只是“改进现有科技”,而是“重新定义科技的存在方式”,这正是全球共生时代所需要的范式转换(Paradigm Shift)。


  1. 管仲式的规则重建:




(1) 激情(Passion)




(2) 愿景(Vision)




(3) 使命感(Mission)




(4) 扩展性(Expansion)




(5) 行动力(Action)






  1. 未来全球共生新秩序:孞联网的关键作用


如果全球共生时代不应仅依赖个人英雄主义(Superhero Narrative),那么真正的解决方案是什么?


答案是:孞联网(MindsNetworking)+ 群体智慧(Collective Intelligence)+ 去中心化科技人文(Decentralized Techno-Humanism)。




(1) 在经济层面:孞联网如何取代“食税型”经济?

  • 去中心化信任机制,让资本、劳动力和科技资源的流动基于共生规则,而非由国家或金融寡头控制。
  • 智能合约式经济,确保财富分配更加公平,避免资本过度向食税阶层集中。


(2) 在科技层面:孞联网如何防止科技被极少数垄断?

  • AI + 区块链保障数据主权,让个人和社区控制数据,而不是交给政府或企业。
  • 开放式算法伦理,确保AI和自动化技术不会成为某一方的控制工具,而是整体社会的公共财富。


(3) 在社会治理层面:孞联网如何实现真正的去中心化?

  • 实时共识决策系统,取代传统官僚体系,提高社会治理的透明度和公正性。
  • 全球共生公约(Global Symbiosis Charter),让全球治理不再是国家之间的权谋,而是交互主体之间的智慧共创。




  1. 结论:全球共生时代的典范不应仅靠个人




✅ 挑战现有规则,而不仅仅是改进旧规则。

✅ 创造新的经济模式,而不是依赖传统资本结构。

✅ 推动科技范式转换,而不是停留在渐进式创新。

✅ 展现超越国家的领导力,而不是依赖体制性特权存活。


但未来,全球共生的典范不应仅靠超英式个人,而应该是充分释放全体生命自组织连接动态平衡基点上的“群体智慧+孞联网+去中心化科技人文”,共同塑造一个真正的交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism)新世界!




参考文献:钱宏主编:《全球共生:化解冲突重建世界秩序的中国学派》Global Symbiosism:Chinese School of Defusing Clashes and Rebuilding the World Order,晨星出版社,2018




Great is Musk!

By Archer Hong Qian


Throughout history, many extraordinary figures have driven major societal and civilizational transformations by constructing, deconstructing, or reconstructing rules. They typically share five common qualities: Passion, Vision, Mission, Expansion, and Action.


Yes, only those who dare and are capable of rebuilding the rules can become the exemplars leading the new era of global symbiosis—and Musk is precisely such an outstanding figure!


Philosophical Dimension: Challenging the Old Order, Shaping New Rules


Every major transformation in human history has been led by “Rule Rebuilders”—those who not only challenge existing social, economic, and technological systems but also establish new rule-based frameworks that serve as the foundation for a new era.


  • In antiquity: Figures such as Laozi, Siddhartha Gautama, Socrates, Confucius, and Jesus challenged traditional thought systems, laying the groundwork for future philosophy and social rules.
  • In modern times: Martin Luther reformed religion, John Locke redefined the boundaries of government, Adam Smith reshaped market principles, and Einstein broke through classical physics, driving the expansion of human cognitive freedom.
  • In the contemporary era: Milei is implementing Symbionomics reforms in Argentina, while Musk is attempting to reconstruct fundamental rules by enabling cost reduction and empowerment in energy, transportation, space exploration, and artificial intelligence, as well as reshaping information flow, political economy, subject-object relations, left-right ideologies, and the unification of East-West binary oppositions.


Under the framework of Intersubjective Symbiosism, a true global leader of the new era must not only possess technology or capital but must also have the ability to reshape relationships—between humans, between humans and AI, and between humans and the universe.


Musk’s uniqueness lies in the fact that he does not merely challenge existing rules—he actively rebuilds new ones!


Economic Dimension: Musk’s Rule Rebuilding vs. Traditional Capitalism

(1) The Imbalance of Traditional Capitalism


The current global economic system is dominated by Wall Street financial capitalism and state-intervention capitalism, both of which suffer from major flaws:


  • Over-financialization, where wealth flows to financial oligarchs rather than the real economy.
  • Fusion of capital and state power, creating a “rent-seeking” economic structure.
  • Stagnation in industrial innovation, where profits come from government subsidies or monopolies rather than technological breakthroughs.

(2) Musk’s Economic Model: Decentralized, High-Risk, High-Return Creative Destruction


  • SpaceX: Rebuilding the aerospace industry → Previously entirely controlled by governments, Musk’s commercial model broke NASA’s closed system.
  • Tesla: Reshaping the automotive industry → Traditional automakers rely on supply chain advantages, whereas Musk drives electrification, autonomous driving, and energy system restructuring.
  • Starlink: Decentralizing the internet → Enabling information flow independent of national control, achieving true information equality.
  • Neuralink + xAI: Redefining human-machine interaction → Making AI a tool for human augmentation rather than an opaque black box.


Musk’s approach is not about improving old models but about rebuilding the fundamental architecture from the ground up—which aligns with the core vision of Symbionomics.


Technological Dimension: Breaking Path Dependency, Ushering in a New Era


True technological breakthroughs come from those who dare to abandon path dependency.

(1) The “Mild Innovation” of Traditional Tech Giants

While Microsoft, Apple, Google, and Amazon have driven technological progress, they mostly optimize within existing paradigms rather than completely reconstructing them:

  • Google’s search model is still based on advertising economics.
  • Apple’s innovation remains confined to a closed ecosystem.
  • Microsoft’s AI development is still subject to capital market constraints.

(2) Musk’s “Paradigm Shift”

  • SpaceX: Completely broke the government monopoly on space exploration, pioneering reusable rockets and Mars colonization.
  • Tesla: More than an automaker, it is an energy ecosystem company, redefining the car-grid-energy relationship.
  • Starlink: Ensuring global information freedom, reducing the digital divide, and potentially becoming a core node of MindsNetworking.
  • xAI: Advocating for decentralized AI coexisting with humanity, breaking away from capital-controlled AI models like OpenAI and DeepMind.


Musk’s technological philosophy is not just about improving existing technologies but about redefining the very existence of technology—which is precisely the paradigm shift required for the global symbiosis era.


The Future Global Symbiosis Order: The Key Role of MindsNetworking


If the era of global symbiosis is not to rely solely on Superhero Narratives, then what is the real solution?


The answer lies in:
MindsNetworking + Collective Intelligence + Decentralized Techno-Humanism.


MindsNetworking will serve as the global trust architecture and resource optimization system, transitioning human civilization from competition to symbiosis through:


(1) Economic Transformation: How MindsNetworking Replaces “Rent-Seeking Economies”

  • Decentralized trust mechanisms → Capital, labor, and technology flow based on symbiotic rules, not dictated by states or financial oligarchs.
  • Smart contract-based economies → Ensuring fair wealth distribution, preventing capital from excessively accumulating among rent-seeking elites.

(2) Technological Decentralization: How MindsNetworking Prevents Tech Oligopolies

  • AI + Blockchain securing data sovereignty → Individuals and communities control data rather than governments or corporations.
  • Open algorithm ethics → Ensuring AI serves the collective rather than private corporate interests.

(3) Governance Innovation: How MindsNetworking Achieves True Decentralization

  • Real-time consensus decision-making → Replacing bureaucratic inefficiencies with transparent, fair governance.
  • The Global Symbiosism Charter → Shifting global governance from state-centered diplomacy to wisdom co-creation among intersubjective entities.


Through MindsNetworking, we can unleash the full potential of collective intelligence + decentralized techno-humanism, making global symbiosis a reality!


Conclusion: The Future of Global Symbiosis Cannot Rely on Individuals Alone


From the perspectives of philosophy, economics, technology, and governance, Musk meets the criteria of a global symbiosis era exemplar because he:


Challenges existing rules, rather than merely improving old ones.
Creates new economic models, instead of relying on traditional capital structures.
Drives technological paradigm shifts, rather than settling for incremental innovation.
Exhibits leadership beyond national boundaries, rather than depending on institutional survival.


However, the future of global symbiosis should not rely solely on superhero-like individuals—it must be built upon collective intelligence, MindsNetworking, and decentralized techno-humanism to co-create a truly intersubjective symbiosis (Intersubjective Symbiosism) world!


📍 February 9, 2025, Osaka, Imatsuru


📖 Reference:
Qian Hong (Ed.), Global Symbiosism: Chinese School of Defusing Clashes and Rebuilding the World Order, Morningstar Press, 2018.






