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发布时间:2025/02/08 公司新闻 浏览次数:59



马斯克将食税阶层(parasitic tax-eating class)比作“由虫子组成的苹果”,切中了美國体制的部分现实。更引發中國人的反思,因为马思克實際提出了对美国与中国两种体制的批判,同时点出了历史无法回避的问题:如何清除寄生在国家机体上的腐败与寻租结构?‬


我们不仅要表达对川普、马斯克等美国“破局者”的支持,也呼唤中国能够产生同样负有“Mission感”的超英之士,在更困难的环境下完成体制更新。这种超越国家立场的历史视角,反映了Intersubjective Symbiosism(交互主体共生)的思维逻辑,即——问题的本质不在于东西之争,而在于如何破除(不排除用霹雳手段)“食税群”形成的结构性特权(腐败),还权于民,实现真正的社会共生。‬


一、 USAID 不是“苹果有虫”,而是“虫子组成苹果”‬



• USAID(美国国际开发署)只是冰山一角,它的预算分配模式本质上成为深层国家(Deep State)的经济工具,掩盖在“国际援助”的名义下,进行利益分配与官僚扩张。‬


• 这不仅是财政问题,更是国家命运的Mission问题——如果政府体系本身已经变成了一台“食税机器”,那么国家的竞争力和公民的未来就会被彻底吞噬。‬

然而,如果连作为民主灯塔的美国体制都已经到了“无法修复”的地步,那么更严峻的问题是——在实行“全官寻租化、全民佃户化”举国体制的 PRC 大陆,这种食税集团结构该用多少个苹果,甚至多少篓虫子组成的苹果来衡量?‬



二、 PRC 的“食税群”问题比美国更严峻,但历史是混不过去的(胡耀邦語)


• “全官寻租化”:没有真正的市场竞争,经济权力由体制内寻租者掌控,形成权贵经济。‬


‪ • “全民佃户化”:民众的产权、财产、财富增长权都受控于国家,成为可随时收割的经济奴隶。‬

• “全系统托拉斯化”:无论金融、地产、教育、医疗、养老、扶贫,所有核心经济部门都由“体制-资本复合体”控制,使得经济体系完全依赖于上层食税系统的再分配。‬









三、 超英者的历史使命:不分中美,破除“食税托拉斯”‬

无论在美国,还是在中国,总会有愿意承担历史责任的超英者(Mission-driven Leaders),挑战“食税托拉斯”体系,推动真正的社会变革。‬





‪四、 从食税国家到交互主体共生:真正的历史之路‬






‪1. 去食税化(De-Taxocracy)‬
‪ 限制政府食税规模,降低官僚消耗,减少财政寻租空间。‬
‪ 让财富流向真正创造价值的个体,而非被食税体系吞噬。‬


‪2. 去托拉斯化(De-Corporatism)‬
‪ 打破权贵资本与政府的结合,让市场竞争回归公平,防止国家成为“利益集团的代言人”。‬
‪ 让资本流动回归生产力增长,而非体制内套利。‬


‪3. 去佃户化(De-Serfdom)‬
‪ 让个体拥有真正的产权、财富积累权、自由迁徙权,而不是成为“体制管控下的经济奴隶”。‬


通过Amorsophia MindsNetworking(爱之智慧孞联网) 赋能个体,让社会资源分配基于交互主体的共生,而不是由国家进行“恩赐式再分配”。‬

只有当一个国家摆脱了“食税—托拉斯—佃户”三位一体的控制,才能真正进入交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism) 的新世界。‬



‪五、 结语:祝福超英者,祝福未来的共生文明!‬



‪ 祝福马斯克!祝福川普!!祝福美利坚!!!‬


‪ 也祝福 PRC 大陆的人民,拥有同样的幸运,能够迎来真正的交互主体共生时代!‬


Archer Hong Qian‬
‪2025.2.7 – Osaka, Tsuruhashi‬



How to Deal with an “Apple Made of Worms”?


Elon Musk compared the parasitic tax-eating class to an “apple made of worms,” striking a nerve with the realities of the American system. This statement resonates even more deeply with Chinese observers, as Musk’s critique extends beyond the U.S. to highlight systemic issues in China as well. The historical challenge he points to is unavoidable: How can a nation rid itself of the corruption and rent-seeking structures that parasitize its body?

We must not only express support for American disruptors like Donald Trump and Elon Musk but also call for the emergence of mission-driven leaders in China—those capable of undertaking institutional renewal under even more difficult conditions. This transcendence of national perspectives aligns with the logic of Intersubjective Symbiosism, which holds that the core issue is not East versus West but rather the dismantling—if necessary, by force—of the structural privileges of the tax-eating elite (corruption) to restore power to the people and achieve true social symbiosis.

1. USAID: Not an Apple with Worms, But an Apple Made of Worms

Musk’s statement pinpointed the deep-rooted problem of systemic government corruption in the U.S.—the “tax-eating class” is no longer just a group of parasitic bureaucrats feeding off the system. It has evolved into a self-replicating, self-reinforcing mega-structure.

  • USAID (United States Agency for International Development) is just the tip of the iceberg—its budget allocation model has become an economic tool of the Deep State, camouflaged under the guise of “international aid” but in reality, facilitating interest distribution and bureaucratic expansion.
  • This is not just a financial issue—it is a Mission issue that concerns the destiny of a nation. If the government itself has morphed into a tax-consuming machine, the competitiveness of the nation and the future of its citizens will be entirely devoured.

Yet, if even the so-called beacon of democracy, the U.S., is approaching the point of irreparability, then a far graver question arises: How many apples—or rather, how many baskets of apples made entirely of worms—would it take to measure the parasitic elite structure in the PRC, where the entire system is built upon rent-seeking and serfdom?

2. The PRC’s Tax-Eating Class: A Deeper Crisis, But History Will Not Be Fooled (Hu Yaobang’s words)

If the U.S. Deep State has entrenched a full-fledged tax-eating bureaucratic structure, then in the PRC, the “bureaucracy-capital-society” nexus is completely controlled by the tax-eating system.

  • Total Bureaucratic Rent-Seeking: There is no real market competition—economic power is monopolized by state-affiliated rent-seekers, forming an oligarchic economy.
  • Universal Serfdom: People’s property, assets, and rights to wealth accumulation are all under state control, reducing them to economic slaves who can be harvested at any time.
  • Comprehensive Trustification: In finance, real estate, education, healthcare, pensions, and poverty alleviation, every major economic sector is dominated by the bureaucratic-capital complex, making the entire economy dependent on redistribution within the tax-eating structure.

Yet, history will not be fooled (Hu Yaobang).

Whether in the U.S. or China, once the problem has been exposed, recognizing and addressing it is not just history’s call—but a divine Mission.

If disruptors like Trump and Musk can challenge the Deep State within America, will China also see the emergence of leaders willing to take on this historical mission?

The answer is: There will be. There must be.

3. The Historical Mission of Mission-Driven Leaders: Breaking the Tax-Eating Trusts in Both China and America

Mission-driven leaders will emerge, whether in America or China, to challenge the tax-eating trust system and drive real societal transformation.

But the difficulty levels are vastly different:

  • In the U.S., disruptors like Musk and Trump can still leverage capital, public opinion, and electoral mechanisms to fight back. Despite facing suppression by the Deep State, they can still challenge the system and attempt to restore a freer, more efficient market.
  • In the PRC, where the tax-eating trust system controls both the economy and society, the space for disruptors is extremely narrow. However, historical forces are unstoppable. When the economic model becomes unsustainable and the contradictions of “total rent-seeking and universal serfdom” reach a breaking point, disruptors will inevitably emerge.

4. From a Tax-Eating State to Intersubjective Symbiosism: The True Path of History

A nation whose economic, social, and political systems are dominated by a tax-eating elite cannot enter the era of true symbiosis—it will only collapse into decay.

This is not just a U.S.-China problem but a global phenomenon faced by all states in the era of globalization. The real path to breaking free is not just anti-corruption or reform, but rather a fundamental restructuring of state-society interactions to achieve a Symbionomic Economy (共生经济).

How? The Key Is to Eradicate the Three Major Parasites:

1. De-Taxocracy (去食税化)

  • Limit the scale of the tax-consuming class, reduce bureaucratic waste, and eliminate fiscal rent-seeking opportunities.
  • Ensure wealth flows to those who create real value, rather than being devoured by the tax-eating system.

2. De-Corporatism (去托拉斯化)

  • Dismantle the collusion between crony capital and the state, restoring fair market competition and preventing the nation from becoming a puppet of interest groups.
  • Redirect capital flows back to productive growth rather than rent-seeking within the system.

3. De-Serfdom (去佃户化)

  • Secure individual ownership of property, wealth accumulation rights, and freedom of migration so that people are not reduced to economic slaves under state control.

By leveraging Amorsophia MindsNetworking (爱之智慧孞联网) to empower individuals, social resource distribution can be rooted in intersubjective symbiosis rather than state-controlled redistribution under a system of forced benevolence.

Only when a country eliminates the “Tax-Eating – Trust – Serfdom” trinity can it truly enter the new world of Intersubjective Symbiosism (交互主体共生).

5. Conclusion: Bless the Mission-Driven Leaders, Bless the Future of Symbiotic Civilization!

The challenge of breaking free from the tax-eating state is not easy in either America or China, but historical forces are irreversible. Whether it is Trump, Musk, or future disruptors in China, their Mission transcends national boundaries.

Bless Elon Musk! Bless Donald Trump!! Bless the United States of America!!!

And bless the people of PRC, that they may one day share in the same fortune—to witness the dawn of an era of true intersubjective symbiosis.

May the world bid farewell to the parasitic tax-eating worms and step forward into a truly symbiotic future!


Archer Hong Qian
February 7, 2025 – Osaka, Tsuruhashi




