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我们亟需“三大改变” We Urgently Need “Three Major Changes”
发布时间:2024/12/08 公司新闻 浏览次数:154
We Urgently Need “Three Major Changes”
钱 宏 Archer Hong Qian
friend’s question:“Can 30 million civil servants produce a single Elon Musk?” is indeed provocative and worth reflecting on. It touches on a deeper issue about the relationship between systemic structures and individual innovation.
This question mirrors the essence of the earlier discussion about whether current organizational forms, ideologies, and mechanisms foster creativity, vitality, and extraordinary achievements—or whether they primarily sustain existing frameworks, often at the expense of innovation. Musk’s extraordinary impact stems not only from his personal genius but also from the environment and systems that enabled his creativity to thrive—markedly different from the structures that prioritize maintaining bureaucratic equilibrium over disruptive progress.
The question implicitly challenges us to rethink how collective systems, such as government institutions, can create conditions to nurture and empower individuals with transformative potential.
第一大改变:历史和逻辑(契约)形成的包括国家在内的TRUST组织形态和意识形态,包括主权在官和主权在民的国家、枪杆子打出来的国家或朝代(如前苏、中国、朝鲜)和勰商出来的国家或政权(如瑞士、比利时、新加坡),在“智能时代”(The Intelligence Age)的超级智能来临之际(Sam Altman称在“几千天内”实现),其存在的必要性和适应性,需要改变,或动真格的变革!
第三大改变:为适应和规范“超级智能”,重塑人类社会形态,意味着愛之智慧(Amorsophia)交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism),历时又共时地蕴涵在生命“自组织”与“连接”、“进化”与“设计”之关系过程,也就是说,人类社会形态不再是智慧之爱(philosophy)的轴心时代那样二元对立“自我中心主义”(以自己为Subject,以别人他者为Object)追求本质同一,而是懂得“存同尊异,间道竞合,降本赋能,赎福共生”——“由轴心时代,迈进共生时代”(From the Axial Age to the Symbiotic Era)!这就需要建构一个“交互主体共生的孞联网”,提供技术、价值、社群三重保障的生态框架。
孞 烎2024年12月7日于温哥华
We Urgently Need “Three Major Changes”
By Archer Hong Qian
A circulating article titled Why Can’t 3,000 Academicians from China’s Two Academies Compare to One Elon Musk? raises an essential question worth reflection and action. Stripping away its nationalistic complaints and the lament of struggle philosophy, the article challenges the appropriateness and adaptability of current state mechanisms and human organizational forms (TRUST structures and their ideologies). It is a call for alarm, reflection, and the pursuit of solutions to this critical issue.
The article concludes by detailing Musk’s extraordinary achievements:
- His rocket recovery technology boasts zero error, unmatched by any country.
- His rockets are reusable thousands of times, significantly reducing manufacturing costs.
- His brain-computer interface could potentially turn anyone into a world-renowned scientist, capable of conversing in any language and reading any text.
- Musk’s vision and execution span across nine companies, each surpassing global competition. His assets exceed $600 billion (approximately ¥4.35 trillion).
- His enterprises, such as Tesla (14 years on the market) and SpaceX, achieve staggering financial and technological milestones, from reusable rockets with zero failures to Starlink’s global satellite coverage in 86 countries.
Indeed, Musk has accomplished what our grandparents might have deemed magic.
As I see it, Musk is a living embodiment of “inborn perfection yet interconnected existence.” Clearly, he is not acting alone, but as a superintelligent being whose extraordinary vitality arises from self-organization, dynamic connections, and balance. His achievements in high-tech and trans-humanistic fields starkly contrast with and expose the realities behind grandiose, overburdened state forms of “Three Excesses” (excessive officials, excessive armies, and excessive expenditures), characterized by:
- Upper-tier infighting, middle-tier burnout, and lower-tier mutual harm.
- Resource waste and ecological burdens.
Musk’s success also shatters the myth of “socialism’s centralized strength” and its so-called ability to “accomplish great things.”
Musk’s actions, present and future, compel humanity—especially Americans, Chinese, Russians, and Latin Americans—to confront three critical dimensions of change:
The Three Major Changes
The First Major Change: Reshaping TRUST Structures and Ideologies
TRUST structures—including states—rooted in historical and contractual logic, need reevaluation in the context of the Intelligence Age, with superintelligence anticipated to arrive “within thousands of days” (as Sam Altman suggests). This change challenges the necessity and adaptability of:
- Nations with “sovereignty vested in officials” versus “sovereignty vested in the people.”
- Regimes formed by military conquest (e.g., the former Soviet Union, China, North Korea) versus those formed through cooperative commerce (e.g., Switzerland, Belgium, Singapore).
The Second Major Change: Transforming Organizational Responses to Global Crises
Under the current world order, humanity faces persistent crises, including:
- Sovereignty-human rights conflicts, geopolitical tensions, and socio-economic dilemmas (e.g., debt crises).
- Cultural and ecological crises.
The existing organizational forms and ideological structures urgently require transformation to effectively address these challenges and resolve the conflicts they generate.
The Third Major Change: Adapting to and Regulating Superintelligence
To adapt to and regulate superintelligence, humanity must reshape societal forms, embracing Amorous Wisdom (Amorsophia) and Intersubjective Symbiosism. This involves recognizing that human societal forms are no longer centered on the Axial Age’s binary, self-centric pursuit of unity. Instead, we must embrace principles of:
- Mutual respect amid diversity.
- Pathway coexistence and co-opetition.
- Cost reduction and empowerment.
- Redemptive well-being and symbiosis.
This shift from the Axial Age to the Symbiotic Era (From the Axial Age to the Symbiotic Era) necessitates constructing a Minds Networking (孞联网)—an ecological framework providing technological, value-driven, and community-based safeguards.
A Question of Readiness
The “Three Major Changes” call for innovations and new choices in our modes of existence, living, and thinking.
Are you ready?
Xiao Yan will be in Vancouver on December 7, 2024
MindsNetworking: Technical Challenges and Directions for Breakthroughs
孞联网(MindsNetworking)在技术上的挑战与突破方向 孞联网重塑人类社会形态,意味着愛之智慧(Amorsophia)交互主体共生,历时又共时地蕴涵在“自组织”与“连接”、“进化”与“设计”之关系过程,也就是说,在共生时代,人类社会形态不再是智慧之爱(philosophy)的轴心时代那样二元对立“自我中心主义”(以自己为Subject,以别人他者为Object)追求本质同一,而是懂得“存同尊异,间道竞合,降本赋能,赎福共生”。
MindsNetworking reshapes human societal forms, signifying Amorsophia’s intersubjective symbiosis, which is diachronic and synchronic in its embodiment of the relationship between “self-organization” and “connection,” as well as “evolution” and “design.” This implies that in the Symbiotic Era, human societal forms are no longer characterized by the dualistic “self-centered subjectivity” of the Axial Age of Philosophy (where the self is the Subject and others are Objects pursuing essential uniformity). Instead, it seeks to “preserve diversity, promote co-opetition, reduce costs, empower growth, and foster shared prosperity.”
The technical challenges of MindsNetworking do not lie in the implementation of individual technologies but in deeply integrating existing technologies such as brain-machine interfaces, AI, mobile communications, and blockchain to build a dynamic, real-time self-organizing ecosystem. Achieving this goal requires not only technological innovation (including methods for scaling and arranging linguistic symbols, data encodings, and material-energy systems) but also the expansion of philosophical thought and interdisciplinary collaboration to develop new possibilities. 1. From Brain-Machine Interfaces to Thought Networking: Overcoming Communication and Expression Barriers
Li Fei-Fei’s team has achieved thought control using non-invasive “headsets,” thereby avoiding the invasiveness of Musk’s brain-machine interface, but improving precision and real-time capabilities remains a technical challenge.
The next core step is to leverage mobile communication technologies to convert brain signals into precise thought expressions and extend this to intersubjective symbiotic connections between humans and tools, as well as humans and natural ecosystems—similar to the sensory and interactive scenes in Avatar, where “braids interconnect” or interact with “small spirits.” 2. The Complexity of Dynamic Networks and Resource Coordination.
MindsNetworking requires a self-organizing and dynamically balanced ecological network that enables real-time interactions among humans, objects, and multidimensional ecological subjects.
Such an ecological network must not only enable AI to achieve mitochondria-like efficiency and low-energy computational capabilities but also address challenges related to data privacy, network security, and coordination across interpersonal, intergroup, international, and even interstellar levels. 3. From Vision to Action: Combining Technology with Philosophy .
The technical challenges are often reflections of philosophical thinking and social responsibility. For example, how can ethical constraints and incentive mechanisms inspired by Amorsophia be implemented in technology design? How can we ensure that dynamic networks do not exacerbate inequality or power abuse?
The real breakthrough lies in mobilizing global resources—including capital, technology, and talent—to provide sufficient leverage for MindsNetworking. Future Outlook: Amorsophia in MindsNetworking.
MindsNetworking is not an isolated technological system but a global project integrating philosophy, technology, and social responsibility.
MindsNetworking can achieve self-organized perfection through “mutation and epigenetics” as well as “evolution and design.” Moreover, it can address core issues such as “permanent peace and global symbiosis,” rendering any attempt to establish a global imperial political hegemony impossible. Instead, it enables the emergence of decentralized, thriving “small is beautiful” state forms, allowing humanity to enter a symbiotic field of real-time self-organized trust and dynamic balance.
When this boundless vision unfolds, leaders like Zelensky who do not evade challenges, Netanyahu who stands his ground, Milley who dismantles privileges, Yunus who pioneers microfinance, and Trump who champions cost-efficiency and empowerment, will find fulfilling their transformative missions less arduous and tortuous.
Musk’s Starship project will no longer be seen as an “Athena’s escape” for survival and freedom but instead take on greater significance as a vehicle for interstellar exploration and travel!
- 从对立到竞合:间道共存而非零和博弈。
- 从剥夺到赋能:降低资源消耗成本,实现全面赋能。
- 从分裂到共生:在“超级智能”下实现人类和机器的和谐共存。
- 从孤立到连接:技术革命(如星链和脑机接口)展示了“连接”如何超越“孤立”,从个体到全球形成一种全新的互联格局。
- 从对抗到协作:传统的阶级斗争和权力对抗哲学不再适应智能时代。新的价值体系必须是共生式的,而非单一中心的权力叙事。
- 从被动到创造:超级智能的到来意味着,人类不再只是适应环境,而是能够设计和重塑环境,同时也承担更多的责任。
- 超越传统组织形式的个体英雄主义:马斯克通过自组织与动态连接,展现了个人如何超越传统TRUST组织的约束,实现全球性影响力。
- 技术与人文的结合:马斯克的成功并非单纯的技术驱动,而是人类梦想的具体化。他将技术与人文愿景结合,证明了科技不应是冷冰冰的,而是充满创造与生命力的。
- 敦促人类反思自身局限性:马斯克的成就与当代国家形态之间的强烈对比,迫使人类反思如何从组织形态和价值观上迎接“超级智能”的挑战。
同时,激励和规范超级智能,当然也是三大改变的题中应有之义。这就要求“三大改变”承载起技术、价值、社会三重革命的使命,而这一使命的实现,离不开**“基于交互主体共生的孞联网”(Minds Networking)的全新社会生态。这一生态不仅能够动态平衡人类与智能的交互关系,更能为全新社会生态的建构**提供强大的支持。
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This article reveals that the “Three Major Changes” facing contemporary society not only possess profound historical and contextual significance but also highlight the core issues that must be addressed in the “Intelligence Age” as superintelligence approaches. By reflecting on the phenomenon of Elon Musk and linking it to the current global crises and the need for transformation in human organizational forms, the article offers critical insights and a valuable direction for discussion.
The Core Significance of the Three Major Changes
The First Major Change: Reshaping TRUST Structures and Ideologies
Elon Musk’s success highlights the limitations of traditional TRUST structures (including nations) and ideologies. In the “Intelligence Age,” traditional governance models centered on “sovereignty vested in officials” or “sovereignty vested in the people” face challenges in terms of efficiency and adaptability.
Especially as superintelligence becomes a reality, redefining the necessity and functionality of TRUST structures has become a critical issue for humanity’s future.
The Second Major Change: Transforming Structural Responses to Global Crises
Under the current world order, conflicts between sovereignty and human rights, and between instrumental rationality and value rationality, are escalating. From debt crises to ecological crises, the traditional confrontation-based structures are inadequate for solving these problems. This calls for nations and global governance systems to move from competition to collaboration, from opposition to symbiosis, adopting innovative approaches to resolve crises.
The Third Major Change: Surpassing the Philosophical Framework of the Axial Age
From the philosophical wisdom (philosophy) of the Axial Age to the amorous wisdom (Amorsophia) of the Symbiotic Era, humanity must shift from the pursuit of binary opposition and unity to a pluralistic symbiotic logic of “mutual respect amidst diversity.” This change involves not only the reconstruction of thought but also a profound transformation of the social ecology:
- From opposition to co-opetition: Coexistence through shared pathways rather than zero-sum games.
- From exploitation to empowerment: Reducing resource consumption costs and achieving comprehensive empowerment.
- From fragmentation to symbiosis: Achieving harmonious coexistence between humans and machines in the era of superintelligence.
Philosophical Reflection on the Three Major Changes
These three major changes resonate with the deeper evolutionary logic of human social forms:
- From isolation to connection: Technological revolutions, such as Starlink and brain-computer interfaces, demonstrate how “connection” transcends “isolation,” creating a new global network paradigm from individuals to the collective.
- From confrontation to collaboration: Traditional philosophies of class struggle and power confrontation no longer suit the Intelligence Age. New value systems must be symbiotic, rather than reliant on single-centered narratives of power.
- From passivity to creation: The arrival of superintelligence signifies that humanity is no longer merely adapting to its environment but actively designing and reshaping it, taking on greater responsibility.
The Philosophical Significance of the Elon Musk Phenomenon
Elon Musk represents not just technological miracles but also profound challenges to existing systems and ways of thinking:
- Individual heroism beyond traditional organizational structures: Through self-organization and dynamic connections, Musk demonstrates how an individual can surpass the constraints of traditional TRUST organizations to achieve global influence.
- Integration of technology and humanity: Musk’s success is not merely driven by technology but by the concretization of human dreams. He combines technological prowess with humanistic vision, proving that technology should not be cold and lifeless but vibrant and creative.
- Forcing humanity to reflect on its limitations: The stark contrast between Musk’s achievements and the forms of contemporary statehood compels humanity to rethink how organizational forms and values can address the challenges of superintelligence.
Conclusion: Are We Ready?
The “Three Major Changes” concern not only humanity’s future but also a profound inquiry into the meaning of existence for every individual. In the face of accelerating superintelligence, whether we can innovate and transform our ways of thinking, living, and existing is a choice each person must confront.
At the same time, motivating and regulating superintelligence is naturally an inherent part of these changes. This requires the “Three Major Changes” to shoulder the mission of technological, value, and social revolutions, which cannot be achieved without a new social ecology rooted in intersubjective symbiosis—the Minds Networking (孞联网). This ecology not only dynamically balances the interactive relationship between humanity and intelligence but also provides robust support for the construction of a new social ecology.
As Musk’s practices have shown, realizing dreams is not beyond reach; it depends on whether we have the courage and wisdom to take that step forward.