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钱 宏:哲学,该复活了!
发布时间:2024/01/08 公司新闻 浏览次数:278
山姆·奥特曼说,开发 AGI 的最大挑战之一,是使这些系统能够进行基本的理解和创新。就像Isaac Newton发明微积分一样,AI 模型也需要能够超越现有知识,创造新的知识的能力。
AI始于“人机共生”(Human beings-Computer Symbiosis),无论是AGI(普通人工智能),还是超级智能(Artificial Super Intelligence),抑或生物AI(Biological Artificial Intelligence)其终极形態,都是Human beings-Computer Symbiosism 即人机交互主体共生!
但很有趣的是,OpenAI实验室目前开发的AI DAO Network,是一个基于OpenAI(Chatgpt)创建的去中心化金融协议,致力于打通人工智能AI和加密世界的桥梁。这里的“AI”,谐音中文的“愛”,“DAO”,谐音“道”,也就是共生智慧——即爱之智慧,也似乎已经告知了人类新的演化的方式与目标——间性交互主體共生!
始于19-20世纪之交,在你我中心引入“他者”的关系过程哲学关键概念——间性交互主体,又叫主体间性(Intersubjectivity),传递的是生命自组织与外连接动態平衡——共生叙事的方式方法,做Web3、区块链、元宇宙、OpenAI(ChatGPT)或 Google Deep Mind(Gemini雙子星)开发者,都是共生敘事或全息共生的自发或自觉的不同作者、藝術家!
因此,整個人类需要一次特別的情感护理,即共生情感护理,包括:Emotional External Care of Symbiosism & Emotional Sefl-Care of Symbiosism !
这样一份“Global AI Convention”(AIC)或“Man-Machine Convention”(MMC),对于AI、AGI研发者、设计者、生产者具有一些底线约定,比如任何情况下,AI、AGI都不能伤害人类,无论是多数人类还是少数人类,彻底摒弃“为了多数人的利益可以牺牲少数人”的乌托邦信条,如科幻作家阿西莫夫提出的“机器人三大定律”(Three Laws of Robotics),第一定律:机器人不得伤害人类个体,或者目睹人类个体将遭受危险而袖手不管,除非这违反了机器人学第零定律(机器人不得伤害整体人类,或坐视整体人类受到伤害)。第二定律:机器人必须服从人给予它的命令,当该命令与第零定律或者第一定律冲突时例外。第三定律:机器人在不违反第零、第一、第二定律的情况下要尽可能保护自己的生存。同时,人类也不能故意给讲求效率的机器人出“伦理难题”(如Trolley problem)。再比如AGI不得拥有“自主惩罚人类”(这是经典人类自己的事)或灭绝任何物种的司法权限,并给AGI设定“违约自毁机制”等等。这都属于“强者自律原则”范畴(参照交通规则中处理交通事故的最基本原则)。
心系化解文明冲突、地缘冲突、社会阶级冲突,尤其是新旧冲突,人工智能、通用人工智能与人类智慧和幸福之间可能发生冲突的人们,亟需发起一项超主权、超文明、甚至超人权的《全球共生公约》(Global Symbiosism Convention)签名活动。
而《全球AI公约》或《人机共生公约》当属超主权、超地缘、超文明的Global Symbiosism Convention签字活动的一部分诉求。
“Philosophy, It’s Time for a Resurgence!
All history is the history of ideas.
Sam Altman said that one of the biggest challenges in developing AGI is to make these systems capable of basic understanding and innovation. Similar to how Isaac Newton invented calculus, AI models also need the ability to go beyond existing knowledge and create new knowledge.
The names of Newton, Descartes, Kant, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Prigogine, Lacan—what do they mean? They signify something in the celestial vault of human thought. Without the resurrection of the philosophy of “愛之智慧” (the wisdom of love), people can only crawl on the ground, entangled in conflicts, claiming to be “down-to-earth,” unable to gaze at the stars, and neglecting the well-being of all.
If that’s the case, the development of AGI is not just a matter of technical, commercial, and current ethical issues. It involves a philosophical-economic mindset, a value orientation, and the innovation and re-selection of lifestyle on a super-sovereign, super-civilizational, and even super-human rights (三超) level.
Therefore, the controversies and strategies surrounding AI and AGI development, including the sudden changes in OpenAI, are not just about who wins or loses. It’s about the victory or defeat of humanity—whether optimistic or pessimistic. The so-called effective accelerationism (e/acc), or super “love” alignment, whether governed by human nature or seeking government regulation of AI, commercialization, or mission-oriented approaches—all face challenges and uncertainties.
Currently, the impact of AI on “business” and “life” is just beginning, far from reaching its peak. In this vast and boundless human realm, whether individuals are too humble or too arrogant, too pessimistic or too optimistic, too anxious or too calm, falling into a state of “ants on a hot pot,” or “boiling a frog in warm water,” or “frantically seeking medical treatment,” the results will be fatal.
What I want to say is that including well-known and often discussed concepts like “decentralization” and “distributed” in blockchain, along with its support for Web3 technology, are just manifestations. Their essence lies in the symbiosis of interactive entities originating from the life point (particle, node, point).
AI began with “Human beings-Computer Symbiosis,” whether it’s AGI (General Artificial Intelligence), superintelligence (Artificial Super Intelligence), or biological AI (Biological Artificial Intelligence). The ultimate form is Human beings-Computer Symbiosism, i.e., symbiosis of human-computer interactive entities.
Interestingly, the AI DAO Network currently being developed by the OpenAI laboratory is a decentralized financial protocol based on OpenAI (ChatGPT). It aims to bridge the gap between artificial intelligence (AI) and the encrypted world. The “AI” here, homophonic with the Chinese word “愛” (love), and “DAO,” homophonic with “道” (the way), signifies symbiotic wisdom—wisdom of love. It seems to have already communicated a new way and goal of human evolution—the symbiosis of interactive entities.
Beginning at the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, the introduction of the key philosophical concept of “interacting entities” or “intersubjective entities” into the relationship process centered on self and others conveys the dynamic balance of life’s self-organization and external connection—the narrative method of symbiosis. Whether you are a developer in Web3, blockchain, metaverse, OpenAI (ChatGPT), or Google Deep Mind (Gemini Twins), you are a spontaneously or consciously different author, an artist of symbiotic narratives or holographic symbiosis.
This reminds all of humanity: everyone involved in AI development needs to understand the philosophy of quality-energy informeition, the interaction subject symbiosis of self and others, and the body-mind-soul!
Today, as we transition from the axial age to the era of symbiosis, the concerns of Musk and the prospects of Ultraman Ilyas are gradually understood: technology without humanity is dangerous (innovation coercion), and humanity without technology is ignorant (blind to magic). However, it seems to have forgotten: technology and humanities lacking philosophical thinking and values are still a flight without direction or soul.
Only the creation of new values, new thinking, and a new way of life is endless. Philosophy, technology, and human forms will continue to interact and grow together, seeking and demonstrating an infinitely possible world!
From the symbiotic origin of the ‘natural world’ (Naturaropocena) to the symbiotic baseline of the ‘human era’ (Anthropocene), and then from the human era to the ‘earth era’ (Earthropocene) with a symbiotic soul—only the symbiosis and non-symbiosis of self-organizing power and external connection balance power determine the combination of tension, penetration, and potential display, along with their corresponding honors, disgrace, success, and failure…
What we see as the truth is: there are no enemies, only patients; if there are enemies, it’s oneself. At this paradigm shift of symbiosis, in the gap between the transition of old and new, observing human tendencies toward self-deprecation and self-confidence, pessimism and optimism, conservatism and radicalism, anxiety and calmness, and various opportunistic impulses, one can only perceive it this way.
Therefore, humanity as a whole needs a special emotional care, namely, symbiotic emotional care, including Emotional External Care of Symbiosism & Emotional Self-Care of Symbiosism!
This is a re-selection and re-initiation of emotional care from the physical to the physiological, from the psychological to the ethical, from historical to synchronic!
Finally, rather than saying that AI and controlling AI are confrontations between a difficult-to-control ‘spear’ and a urgently-needed ‘shield,’ it is more accurate to say that it is a symbiotic relationship between a ‘power system’ and a ‘braking system.’
Since it is a symbiotic relationship between a ‘power system’ and a ‘braking system,’ then, classical humans are not making declarations on behalf of AI; they are ‘agreements’ and ‘conventions’ related to the industries and products undertaken by the ‘AI industry.’ Therefore, responsible individuals, communities, and Trust organizations should sign a ‘Global AI Convention’ or ‘Man-Machine Convention.’
Such a ‘Global AI Convention’ (AIC) or ‘Man-Machine Convention’ (MMC) serves as a baseline agreement for AI and AGI developers, designers, and producers, specifying, for example, that under no circumstances can AI or AGI harm humanity (completely discarding the utopian creed of ‘sacrificing a few for the benefit of the majority’), and that AGI cannot have the ‘autonomous punishment of humans’ (this is a matter for classical humans themselves) or judicial authority to exterminate species, along with setting up a ‘default self-destruction mechanism’ for AGI, and so on. All of this falls under the category of the ‘strong self-discipline principle’ (referring to the most basic principle of handling traffic accidents in traffic rules).
Caring for the resolution of conflicts in civilization, geopolitics, social class, especially new and old conflicts, those concerned about potential conflicts between artificial intelligence, general artificial intelligence, and human wisdom and happiness urgently need to launch a ‘Global Symbiosism Convention’ signature campaign.
The ‘Global AI Convention’ or ‘Man-Machine Convention’ should be part of the demands of the Global Symbiosism Convention signature campaign, which belongs to the domain of the super-sovereign, super-civilization, and even super-human rights.
People with a sense of Earth’s conscience, take action!
Xin Yan November 24, 2023, Vancouver
“交互主体全息共生思维”(Intersubjectivity Holographic Symbiosis Thinking),表明一种思考方式,考虑不同主体或实体之间的相互联系和相互影响。在这个框架中,”交互主体”意味着多个主体之间存在共享的理解或经验,而”全息共生思维”则表明一种整体性和相互依赖的观点,类似于全息图,其中每个部分都与整体密切相关。这种方法鼓励对复杂系统的全面视角,承认各种元素之间的动态相互作用和相互依赖。
“Intersubjectivity holographic symbiosis thinking” suggests a mode of thought that considers the interconnected relationships and mutual influences among different subjects or entities. In this framework, the term “intersubjectivity” implies a shared understanding or experience among multiple subjects, and “holographic symbiosis thinking” suggests a holistic and interdependent perspective akin to a hologram where each part is intricately connected to the whole. This approach encourages a comprehensive view of complex systems, acknowledging the dynamic interplay and interdependence between various elements.