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Where does the UN go?联合国将何去何从?
发布时间:2020/08/13 全球事务 浏览次数:583
The earth the first, The symbiosism the way
1、 将人权、主权、物权观念,更新为全球共生永续和平观念,修改《联合国宪章》;
2、 设立“全球共生论坛”(GSF),起草、颁布《全球共生宣言》;
3、 改变安全理事会常任理事国一票否决权制度,常任理事国扩容为5+6:中美俄英法+德国、日本、印度、巴西、澳大利亚、加拿大;
4、 给托管理理事会赋能、提升人权理事会规格,两会合并更名为:“全球共生理事会”,设立“共生文明基金会”;
5、 调整经社理事会各世界组织职能,起草制定《全球共生公约》⋯⋯
钱 宏
Global Symbiosism Society
2020年7月24日于6051 Richmond
Where does the UN go?
1、Up to now, the UN’s mission is to tackle global issues of super-sovereignty, super-geography and super-civilization to achieve global symbiosis of holographic ecology.
2、if the United Nations does not change its exclusive setting of sovereign states in its organizational structure, when faced with solving the”global problems” that are supra-sovereign, supra-geographical and supra-civilizational (Covid-19 epidemics, economic shutdown and ideological confrontation in 2020), the United Nations, born out of the fire of World War II, will be at a loss as to what to do,no matter how hard the UN Secretary General works!
3、The United Nations, which cannot solve “global problems”, will either undergo radical structural changes:
a).Update the concepts of human rights, sovereignty, and property rights to the concept of global symbiosis and sustainable peace, and amend the United Nations Charter.
b).Establish the Global Symbiosis Forum (GSF), and draft and promulgate the Global Symbiosis Declaration.
c).Change the system of veto of permanent members of the Security Council, and expand the permanent members to 5 + 6: China, USA, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, India, Brazil, Australia and Canada.
d).Empower the Trusteeship Council and upgrade the specifications of the Human Rights Council by merging and renaming the two councils as the “Global Symbiosis Council” and establishing the “Symbiosis Civilization Foundation”.
e).Adjust the functions of the ECOSOC world organizations, draft and formulate the Global Symbiosis Pact …
Or, the United Nations faces disintegration and reorganization!
We don’t want to see the United Nations, which the former waves have worked so hard to build, disintegrate step by step inexorably!
So, on this occasion of the 75th anniversary of UN, let’s start a philosophical dialogue to confront the “three super global issues”, set aside all prejudices and demands for privileges, and fully support Secretary General Guterres in his work on UN reform!
Archer Hong Qian
Global Symbiosism Society
6051, Richmond July 24, 2020
从Bible 《聖约》而來契約精神,经由Old Testament(律法), New Testament(福音), Testament of Symbiosism,一步步将造物主愛之智慧,不拐彎地直接从以色列人扩展到人類,進而延展到全部地球生命的靈性存在過程。是成本最低而幸福快樂度最高的臻美大智慧!
為了避免诸般超主權、超地緣、超文明的戰爭、瘟疫、飢荒、文明衝突⋯⋯導致地球生靈同歸于盡的大毀滅命運,大家都要意識到:Live and let live(自己活也要別人活),而不要Evil and let evil(自己邪惡也让別人邪惡)!
我,Archer Hong Qian,一個從大地上生長出來的當代思行者呼籲:
Archer Hong Qian
Early morning on August 12, 2022 in Vancouver