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MAGA 2.0:从保护主义到全球共生战略
发布时间:2025/02/05 公司新闻 浏览次数:117
MAGA 2.0:从保护主义到全球共生战略
By Archer Hong Qian
您第47任美国总统任期已经12天了,我是温哥华时间1月20日12点登上前往新加坡的飞机前,看完你的就职典礼,温哥华候机楼,我写了简短的《祝福川普总统(Blessings from Canada!)》并发表在全球共生网上。
- 你在第一任期已经证明自己可以打破政治旧规,但过度任性只会让盟友疏远、内部失控。总统不是网红,国家治理不能靠情绪化的决策,自己给自己制造信息茧房,与世界隔离,成井底之蛙,脱离Web3+AI时代,那是美国的悲剧!
- 克服以Subjct自居而视他者和世界为Object的自我中心主义,树立Intersubjective Symbiosism(交互主体共生)新观念。
- “华盛顿沼泽”并非全是敌人,你需要一个强大而稳定的执政团队,让他们尽力作为,而不是随时换人、推特喊话治国。
- 过度依赖社交媒体治理国家,与毛泽东的“语录治国”“最高指示治国”“小组治国”“委员会治国”“文件(意见)治国”无异,最终会让政策执行混乱、信任崩盘。
- 北宋、南宋两朝都是处理国际关系采取“远交近攻”策略,导致灭亡的历史教训,美国如果在北美制造冲突,就是在自毁长城。
- 珍惜《美加墨自由贸易协议》(USMCA),这是你第一任期的重要成果,具有“产业链、供应链、价值链三链趋势下,零关税、零壁垒、零歧视三零规则新全球化”的雏形意义,不要因小失大短视的政治操作,而轻易丢失,既破坏邻里关系,又背信弃义,应即时终止。
- 对“近”的盟友(无论欧盟、英国、日韩、加墨)存在的问题,可以直言不讳诚恳批评,帮助提出解决问题(如国防薄弱、沉湎于“政治正确”、创造活力衰退)的实际办法,而不是一律采取指责或奚落的“激将法”,那样效果可能适得其反。不要找替罪羊!有种就直接针对问题的源头,而不是推锅给鄰居。
- 你在获胜演讲和就职演讲中提到“团结”,但真正的团结来自于解决现实问题,而不是制造新的分裂!
- 经济、移民、社会动荡、政府效率、突发事故的问题,要靠实实在在的政策,而不是出了问题就一味怪罪前任或政敌,这无济于事!
- 你有机会在第二任期留下真正的政治遗产,但前提是稳健推进政策,而不是头脑发热、四面树敌。
- 政治环境复杂,只有精准策略才能让你的承诺真正落地,凡事不能过了头,过犹不及,最终导致承诺变成空头支票,这非常危险!
川普总统,我相信你有Passion、有Vision、有Mission、有Expasion,更有Action,带领美国进入新的“黄金时代”!如果你真的想让“美国再次伟大”(MAGA)成为人类生活方式创新与再选择——交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism)之域的楷模,那么,这“五个忠告”可能是您要注意的必要条件,归结到一句话就是:神选之人,还是人,不是神,愿您真正肩负起当代美国人民赋予您的总统责任,避免MAGA演变成一场悲剧和闹剧!
1.MAGA 的路径转折点
如果 AI 能消除一般生活产品的“稀缺性”,并推动全民基本收入(UBI),那么美国坚持传统制造业回流的思路,无异于一个“聪明的重复性错误”。
真正符合MAGA 2.0(Make America Great Again 2.0)的战略,不是回归传统制造,而是顺势利用 AI 变革,推行零关税、零壁垒、零歧视的“三零规则全球化”,并将“爱之智慧孞联网(MindsNetworking)”作为核心基础设施,让美国成为未来经济和生活方式的引领者,而不是全球制造业争夺战的操盘者。
2. 贸易战是短视的,尤其不该针对加拿大和墨西哥
- 地缘经济角度: 北美自由贸易区(USMCA)是美国经济稳定的基石,破坏这一体系,只会损害自身供应链和区域竞争力。
- 全球产业链角度: 与其通过贸易战来遏制中国,美国更应该借助 AI 驱动的产业变革,在全球经济的新范式下重塑自身优势,而不是执着于“大而重复”的传统制造业。
MAGA 2.0 需要调整战略,从封闭式保护主义转向 AI 赋能的全球经济布局,而孞联网(MindsNetworking)将成为这一布局的关键支撑。
3. 俄乌战争:美国不能在道义上输掉全球影响力
- 美国可以抽身,或援助采取更务实的交易方法进行,但不应纵容或默认侵略行为。
- 美国可以减少对欧洲的干涉,但不应让自身道义崩盘。
MAGA 2.0 需要一个“退出战争但保持全球信用体系”的平衡策略,让美国既能摆脱地缘冲突的消耗,又能维持自身的道义形象。
4. AI+UBI 取代制造业回流,解决“铁锈带”问题
- 美国不具备中国那种密集、低成本的制造生态,强推制造业回流,只会导致政府大量补贴,最终变成“烧钱游戏”。
- AI 可以降低“稀缺性”,让一般生活产品无需依赖传统制造业的规模效应,而是通过智能化生产满足社会需求。
- 政府出资,让“铁锈带”城市相互服务,而不是硬推制造业回流。
- 借鉴新加坡模式,政府不直接控制经济,但提供足够的资源来维持城市生态,让人们可以在本地生活,而不必迁移到“新兴制造业中心”。
- 孞联网的引入:AI 结合信任激励机制,实现资源流动的动态平衡。
通过 AI+UBI 结合孞联网的自适应调节机制,美国可以打造一个去工业化但不去社会活力的经济模式,让铁锈带变成“智能生活区”而不是“失落的工业遗址”。
5. 三零规则全球化 vs. 传统制造业回归,美国应选择前者
传统制造业思路依赖高能耗、大规模、重复性,而 AI 驱动的全球协作可以:
- 降低地缘政治风险,减少因产业链争夺而引发的经济冲突。
- 减少经济内耗,让 AI 取代传统制造业成为增长引擎。
三零规则全球化(Zero Tariffs, Zero Barriers, Zero Discrimination)
- 零关税(Zero Tariffs):推动 AI 经济全球流通,降低制造成本,让全球供应链更高效。
- 零壁垒(Zero Barriers):打破贸易壁垒,让 AI 产业分工优化,而不是靠国家干预。
- 零歧视(Zero Discrimination):避免地缘政治博弈,确保 AI 技术的自由发展,而不是成为冷战工具。
MAGA 2.0 不是要让美国回归产业保护主义,而是让美国成为全球 AI 经济的中心,从“工业制造霸权”转向 “AI 赋能的全球共生规则制定者”。
- 放弃低效贸易战,尤其是对北美盟友的经济自残行为。
- 撤出不必要的战争干预,但不能在道义上失去全球影响力。
- 用 AI+UBI 结合孞联网解决铁锈带问题,而不是死磕制造业回流。
- 推动“三零规则全球化”,让美国成为未来生活方式的引领者,而不是产业保护主义的困兽。
MAGA 2.0 的终极目标:从巴别塔到新耶路撒冷
MAGA 的终极愿景不该是回到巴别塔式的山巅之城,即一个孤立的全球霸权,而是迈向新耶路撒冷式的共生之域——一个以 AI 赋能、孞联网支撑、全球共生价值观引领的新经济模式。
Make America Great Again—Not by Repeating the Past, but by Creating the Future.
2025年2月5日 – 大阪·今鹤青年旅舍 402
MAGA 2.0: From Industrial Protectionism to a Global Symbiosis Strategy
——How to Truly Make America Great Again?
Archer Hong Qian
February 5, 2025 – Osaka, Imazuru Youth Hostel 402
To President Trump: The Election Is Over—The Victor Must Take Full Responsibility for the Nation!
Dear President Trump,
You have now been in office for 12 days as the 47th President of the United States. On January 20, at 12:00 PM Vancouver time, just before boarding my flight to Singapore, I watched your inauguration ceremony. While waiting at Vancouver International Airport, I wrote a brief message—“Blessings from Canada!”—and published it on the Global Symbiosism Network (
However, when I arrived in Osaka, Japan, on February 3, I heard reports that you were seriously considering imposing a 25% tariff on two neighboring countries and that you joked about making Canada the 51st state. I also came across rumors that your only hiring standard is “loyalty to me.” These concerns prompted me to write this letter.
Now, at dawn on February 5 (Osaka time), February 4 in North America, please allow me to offer you five pieces of advice, in the spirit of goodwill and responsibility.
1. Do Not Act on Personal Impulses—Foster the Self-Organizing Balance of Others!
In your first term, you proved that you could break old political rules, but excessive impulsiveness will only alienate allies and create internal chaos. A president is not a social media influencer; governance cannot be based on emotional decision-making, nor should you isolate yourself in an information bubble, detached from reality, like a frog at the bottom of a well.
In the Web3 + AI era, being out of touch would be a tragedy for America!
You must overcome the self-centered mentality of treating yourself as the “Subject” while seeing others and the world as mere “Objects.” Instead, you should embrace Intersubjective Symbiosism—the philosophy of mutual and interactive coexistence.
2. Trust Your Team—Stop Governing via Twitter (X)!
Not everyone in Washington’s “swamp” is your enemy. You need a strong and stable administration, not a revolving door of staff changes and impulsive Twitter (X) governance.
Overreliance on social media as a governance tool resembles Mao Zedong’s approach of ruling through “quotations, supreme directives, small leadership groups, and committees.” Such an approach leads to policy chaos, eroded trust, and a breakdown in governance.
3. Do Not Follow the Failed Strategy of “Distant Alliances and Nearby Hostility”—Avoid Hurting Allies While Pleasing Adversaries!
Both Northern Song and Southern Song dynasties followed a “distant alliances, nearby hostility” diplomatic strategy—and both met their demise. If the United States stirs up conflict within North America, it would be self-destructive.
Cherish the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)—this was one of the most important achievements of your first term. It embodies a new global economic model based on three key chains (industrial chain, supply chain, and value chain) and three zero rules (zero tariffs, zero barriers, zero discrimination).
Do not squander this success through short-sighted political maneuvers that harm relations with your closest neighbors. This would break trust, destroy regional stability, and invite strategic backfire.
When dealing with nearby allies—whether the EU, UK, Japan, South Korea, Canada, or Mexico—you can criticize their weaknesses honestly (such as weak defense spending, excessive political correctness, or declining innovation). However, avoid the habit of blaming or mocking them, as this will only backfire.
Do not look for scapegoats! If there are problems, address them directly instead of shifting blame onto neighbors.
4. If Domestic Issues Arise, Solve Them—Do Not Blame Your Predecessor!
In your victory and inauguration speeches, you emphasized “unity.” However, true unity does not come from creating new divisions—it comes from resolving real problems.
Issues such as the economy, immigration, social instability, government inefficiency, and crisis management must be addressed with practical policies. Simply blaming your predecessor or political opponents will not solve these problems.
5. Stay Focused on Delivering Your 20 Core Promises—But Do Not Ignore Strategy!
You have the opportunity to leave a lasting political legacy in your second term. However, this requires careful and steady execution, not reckless decision-making that alienates everyone.
The political landscape is complex. Only through precise strategy can your promises become reality—otherwise, they will remain empty slogans.
Everything must have a measured balance—too much of anything is counterproductive. If you overreach, your promises will turn into empty words, which would be extremely dangerous!
Final Words
President Trump, I believe you possess the passion, vision, mission, expansion, and action needed to lead America into a new “Golden Age.”
However, if you truly want “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) to set an example for global innovation and interactive coexistence (Intersubjective Symbiosism), then these five pieces of advice may be essential conditions for success.
Ultimately, it all comes down to one core message:
👉 A leader chosen by destiny is still human, not a god.
👉 Take full responsibility as the leader of the United States.
👉 Ensure that MAGA does not turn into a tragedy or a farce.
Further forward, the world is vast and full of possibilities!
Archer Hong Qian
Dawn of February 5, 2025, Osaka, Japan
1、The Turning Point for MAGA
In recent years, U.S. economic policy has focused on reshoring manufacturing and trade wars, aiming to rebuild industrial dominance. However, this strategy has failed to truly solve the Rust Belt crisis and has led to unnecessary economic self-destruction within the global trade system.
If AI can eliminate the “scarcity” of everyday consumer goods and drive Universal Basic Income (UBI), then America’s insistence on traditional manufacturing resurgence is nothing more than a “smart yet repetitive mistake.”
A strategy that aligns with MAGA 2.0 is not about returning to traditional manufacturing but rather about embracing AI-driven transformation, promoting Zero-Tariff, Zero-Barrier, Zero-Discrimination (“Three-Zero”) Globalization, and using Amorsophia MindsNetworking as a core infrastructure to position America as a leader in future economic and lifestyle transformations.
This means America must transition from a “Babel-like city on a hill” to a “New Jerusalem of symbiosis.”
2、Trade Wars Are Shortsighted—Especially Against Canada and Mexico
America does not need trade wars, and it especially should not engage in economic confrontations with Canada and Mexico, its closest allies.
- Geoeconomic Perspective: The USMCA is a cornerstone of America’s economic stability. Damaging this framework will only weaken America’s supply chains and regional competitiveness.
- Global Supply Chain Perspective: Instead of using trade wars to counter China, America should embrace AI-driven industrial transformation to redefine its global economic advantage rather than reverting to large-scale, redundant traditional manufacturing.
MAGA 2.0 requires a strategic shift—from closed protectionism to AI-driven global economic leadership, with Amorsophia MindsNetworking as the foundation for trust, governance, and resource flow.
3、The Russia-Ukraine War: America Must Not Lose Its Moral Leadership
America can choose to withdraw from direct involvement in the Russia-Ukraine war, but it must not achieve peace by sacrificing victims and the weak.
- America can step back but must not condone or legitimize aggression.
- America can reduce intervention in Europe but must not abandon its moral credibility.
If America becomes overly pragmatic and self-serving in its geopolitical maneuvers—focusing only on economic benefits while ignoring moral principles—it will eventually lose global trust and leadership.
Amorsophia MindsNetworking can play a crucial role here—by creating a decentralized trust mechanism, it ensures that justice in international affairs is no longer dictated by state power politics but by a global symbiotic intelligence network.
MAGA 2.0 must adopt a balanced strategy of “exiting war while preserving global credibility,” allowing America to withdraw from conflicts while maintaining moral authority.
4、AI + UBI Instead of Manufacturing Reshoring: Solving the Rust Belt Crisis
Why Is Traditional Manufacturing Reshoring a “Smart Yet Repetitive Mistake”?
- The U.S. lacks China’s dense, low-cost manufacturing ecosystem. Forcing a manufacturing resurgence would require massive government subsidies, making it an unsustainable “money-burning strategy.”
- AI can eliminate “scarcity”—making traditional mass production less necessary by ensuring on-demand, automated, and intelligent production. What’s the Real Solution?
- Government-funded urban revitalization—Instead of forcing the Rust Belt back into outdated industries, enable these cities to sustain themselves through AI-driven services.
- Learn from Singapore—The government should not directly control the economy but should facilitate economic and social stability without forcing migration.
- Amorsophia MindsNetworking integration—AI combined with ethical incentive mechanisms can balance resource allocation and economic sustainability.
By integrating AI, UBI, and Amorsophia MindsNetworking, America can build an economy that moves beyond traditional manufacturing without losing social vitality, transforming the Rust Belt into a “smart living zone” rather than an “industrial graveyard.”
5、Three-Zero Globalization vs. Traditional Manufacturing: America Must Choose the Future
Traditional manufacturing depends on high energy consumption, mass production, and repetition, while AI-driven global collaboration can:
- Reduce geopolitical risks by preventing supply chain conflicts.
- Eliminate economic inefficiencies by shifting away from outdated industrial structures.
The Three-Zero Globalization Model
Zero Tariffs – Promote AI-driven global economic flow, lowering manufacturing costs and optimizing supply chains.
Zero Barriers – Remove trade restrictions, enabling AI-powered industrial collaboration rather than government intervention.
Zero Discrimination – Prevent geopolitical manipulation of AI development, ensuring technological progress benefits everyone.
Amorsophia MindsNetworking will serve as the decentralized trust infrastructure ensuring the adaptive execution of the Three-Zero Model, preventing political interference and corruption.
Conclusion: America’s Path Forward •Abandon inefficient trade wars, especially self-destructive conflicts with North American allies.
- Withdraw from unnecessary wars while maintaining moral leadership.
- Use AI + UBI + Amorsophia MindsNetworking to revitalize the Rust Belt instead of clinging to obsolete manufacturing policies.
- Embrace Three-Zero Globalization to make America the leader in AI-driven economic transformation.
MAGA 2.0: From Babel to New Jerusalem
MAGA’s true future is not about rebuilding a Babel-like global empire—it is about creating a New Jerusalem of AI-driven global symbiosis, powered by Amorsophia MindsNetworking.
Make America Great Again—Not by Repeating the Past, but by Creating the Future.
下一篇: 超越地缘政治看AI竞赛
2. 相信你的政府——停止通过推特进行治理(X)!
您必须珍惜 USMCA(美国-墨西哥-加拿大协议) ——这是您第一任期内最重要的成就之一。这项贸易协定代表了全球化的下一阶段,其特点是:
4. 当家庭出现问题时,自己解决——不要责怪你的前任!
5. 专注于履行您的 20 项核心承诺——但不要忽视策略!
简而言之:**真正的领导人对国家负有全部责任。MAGA 不应该成为一场悲剧或闹剧