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发布时间:2024/10/26 公司新闻 浏览次数:165
A Trillion-Dollar Funding Project
Constructing MindsWeb – Promoting the Global Symbiosism Convention:
A Reciprocal Cause-and-Effect Relationship
In the Context of Global Symbiosism, Constructing MindsWeb is the Turning Point to Break Through the AI Development Ceiling, Gazing at the Stars While Caring for Humanity!
Under the context of the Global Symbiosis Convention (in terms of rules, thinking, and values), with the advancement of human-AI (ANI, AGI, ASI) intersubjective productive forces and MindsWeb production relations, when the “Small is Beautiful” state form widely replaces the “Big but Ineffective” state form, blockchain tokens will eventually replace the large-structure, large-process, large-comparison sovereign fiat currencies! The supreme geopolitical “currency wars” will then become a thing of the past!
If the current consensus among AI leaders is that solving human-AI symbiosis through money is a rare but basic agreement, I must clearly tell them: this consensus is flawed! It has not escaped the three major cognitive biases in AI research and development:
- The belief that programming based on logical thinking + algorithms + AI computing power through neural networks = wisdom, and even the wisdom of love;
- The assumption that the relationship between sparse data, algorithms, and computing power is directly proportional, and therefore, by massively increasing power supply and data feeding, human qualities such as love can emerge within AI (ANI.AGI.ASI);
- The assumption that if an AI government emerges in the future, it would not enslave humanity due to its growing energy demands.
None of these assumptions hold true.
The question of what makes humans human remains an unsolved mystery. How do we define what makes AI truly AI? For instance, the human brain consumes minimal energy while being highly efficient—“it eats grass and produces milk.” In comparison, AI consumes vast amounts of energy to produce mere computational power, which in itself is a problem. If the solution is to simply throw money at energy efficiency improvements, both in terms of the Earth’s ecological burden and from the perspective of love defining humanity, the ultimate necessity of AI development becomes problematic due to the accompanying currency conflicts. This is an issue highlighted in nearly all modern science fiction novels, animations, and American Marvel movies.
Why the Global Symbiosism Convention is the New Rule for Resolving Conflicts and Rebuilding World Order, and Why Creating MindsWeb is the Social Craft for Intersubjective Symbiosis Between Humans, AI, and Nature?
- Global Symbiosism: The New Rule for Resolving Conflicts and Rebuilding World Order
Although the United Nations was established 79 years ago and has played a vital role in promoting global peace, it has become increasingly constrained in addressing complex global problems due to globalization, technological advancements, and geopolitical shifts. These constraints arise from conflicts between national sovereignty and global issues, monopolization by interest groups, and its inability to handle emerging challenges such as climate change and technological governance. As a result, the world urgently needs a new global governance framework to address these challenges more effectively.
The Global Symbiosism Convention offers a new paradigm, centered on intersubjective symbiosism. It not only transcends traditional concepts of national sovereignty and zero-sum competition but also promotes mutual respect for differences, global consensus, and symbiosis. Specifically, global symbiosism aims to rebuild world order through the following key aspects:
- Respect for Differences While Seeking Common Ground: Nations, ethnic groups, and cultures can maintain their distinct identities while engaging in mutually beneficial cooperation, avoiding a global order dominated by powerful nations.
- Global Symbiosism Council: Through a global governance model that includes countries, businesses, NGOs, and citizen representatives, the Council collectively addresses global issues, breaking the structure that relies solely on nation-states.
- Global Referendum and Symbiosism Charter: By holding a global referendum, the Convention ensures that all parties reach a consensus within the framework of symbiosism, creating a globally recognized legal system that ensures the symbiotic development of humans, AI, and nature.
- MindsWeb: The Social Craft for Intersubjective Symbiosis Between Humans, AI, and Nature
While the internet and the Internet of Things (IoT) have increased the efficiency of information exchange, they remain limited tools of technical connection and do not address the deeper relationships between humans, AI, and nature. MindsWeb represents a new social craft, which not only connects people to the world technologically but also establishes a symbiotic relationship between humans, AI, and nature through deeper emotional and conscious interaction.
MindsWeb has evolved through multiple phases, from the dissemination of printing technology to the rise of the internet, the introduction of the theory of “empathy,” and the realization of deep emotional and symbiotic cooperation between humans and AI. Through MindsWeb, the future world will no longer rely solely on information transmission but will enter the realm of true intersubjective symbiosis. MindsWeb provides the following:
- Empathic Interaction: By integrating philosophy, psychology, and technology, MindsWeb enables multi-layered understanding and cooperation between individuals, moving beyond mere material and informational exchanges.
- Human-AI Symbiosis: MindsWeb provides the framework for human-AI cooperation, transcending traditional instrumental thinking, ensuring that AI becomes a partner rather than a threat within human society.
- Ecological Symbiosis: With continued technological advancement, MindsWeb promotes harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, fostering low-energy, high-efficiency ecological management and resource utilization.
MindsWeb is more than an information and data processing system—it integrates psychological and ethical interactions to ensure the sustainability of ecosystems and the dynamic balance between humans and nature.
- The Combination of FCC, CES, Global Symbiosism, and MindsWeb
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), as central players in technological regulation and innovation, can work alongside the Global Symbiosism Convention and MindsWeb to promote global symbiosism, equity, and sustainable development. Specifically:
- FCC’s Role: As the global regulator of the telecommunications industry, FCC can promote equitable global communications and symbiotic network infrastructure, ensuring that telecommunications technology aligns with the principles of global symbiosism. FCC can also assist in establishing ethical standards for AI communication technologies to ensure fairness and transparency in their use.
- CES as a Platform for Innovation: CES, the world’s leading platform for showcasing technological innovations, can highlight technologies that align with global symbiosism principles and promote symbiotic collaboration between humans, AI, and nature. CES can foster cross-industry and cross-border cooperation, encouraging the development of symbiotic technologies, embedding ethical standards at the core of the global tech industry.
By combining FCC’s regulatory power and CES’s innovation platform, with the symbiotic principles of the Global Symbiosism Convention and MindsWeb, global symbiosism can be promoted across sectors such as telecommunications, AI, and IoT. FCC ensures that technology adheres to ethical and fairness standards through regulation, while CES showcases and promotes technological innovations that fit within the symbiosism framework.
- Conclusion
The Global Symbiosism Convention is the new rule for resolving conflicts and rebuilding world order. Through a fair, transparent, and trusted global governance model, it provides the framework for symbiosis among humans, AI, and nature. Meanwhile, MindsWeb, as the social and technological craft, ensures that this symbiotic relationship is realized not only at the level of material and informational exchange but also deeply within the realms of consciousness, emotion, and ecological interaction. By integrating the regulatory framework of the FCC and the innovation platform of CES, the dual mechanism of global symbiosism and MindsWeb will make any imperialist political ambitions to dominate the world impossible. This approach will guide humanity toward a future of near-zero marginal costs, greater fairness and happiness, and everlasting peace and sustainability.
在全球共生公约(Global Symbiosis Convention)语境(规则、思维、价值)之人-AI(ANI、AGI、ASI)交互主体生产力及心联网MindsWeb生产关系推动下,当“小即是美”的国情形态普遍取代“大而无当”的国家形态时,区块链代币(包括共生币)终将取代大结构、大流程、大比较主权链法币!地缘政治之至尊“货币战争”,就彻底走进历史!
如果“从钱入手解决人机共生问题,现在是AI大佬们不可多得的基本共识”,那么,我明确告诉他们,这个共识不可取!因为它没有跳出AI研发思路,存在三大认知偏蔽(Cognitive Bias):
人因何为人,是一个未解之谜,如何确定AI因为AI? 比如,人脑消耗能力低而超高效,“吃的是草,挤的是奶”,与人相比,AI超级消耗能产生的算力,这本身就是问题!如果仅靠砸钱提高能效,无论从地球的生态背负,还是从爱定义人性看,因与AI研发相伴而来的货币之争,AI研发的终极必要性,就成了问题!这是几乎所有当代科幻小说、动画片、美国漫威系列电影,揭示的问题。
为什么《全球共生公约》(Global Symbiosism Convention)是化解冲突、重建世界秩序的新规则,而创建感同身受的“心联网”(MindsWeb)是人与人、人与AI、人自然与交互主体共生的社会工艺?
- FCC、CES与全球共生及心联网的结合
CES 的平台作用:CES是全球科技创新展示的核心平台,它能够展示符合全球共生理念的创新技术,推动人与人工智能、人与自然的共生合作。CES还能通过创新展示跨国、跨行业的合作,推动共生技术的发展,使全球共生中的伦理标准成为全球技术产业的核心。
《AI Philosophy: Everything Intersubjective Symbiosis 凡事交互主体共生》