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发布时间:2025/02/28 公司新闻 浏览次数:35




By Archer Hong Qian


“当家且知柴米贵”,这里说的“当家的”,就是国家这个最大的信托(信任)组织的任期制管理当值者。“贵”的意思,就是代价很大,当然,这里的管理代价,既包括物质利益即硬实力,也包括精神价值即软实力,而所有的代价、成本/收益、价值,都要归结到“We the People”这一美国的立国之本上面,才能理解川普(Donald Trump)的“交易型国家治理”(Transactional Governace)行为。














第一,据悉,乌克兰部长内阁于星期三(2月26日)批准了该协议,如果28日泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelenskyy)总统访美与美国总统川普(Donald Trump)又正式签署了这份协议,先前吵架式的讨价还价只能说明双方是真诚的。


第二,世界必须了解,川普的Make America Great Again(让美国再次伟大)运动,是一个生态文明的交互主体共生(Intersubjective Symbiosism)的概念,所以,也包含“让欧洲再次伟大”(Make Europe Great Again)的潜在要求。川普自己第一个任期在联合国大会解释说,各个国家的领导人都要对自己国家人民负责,让自己的国家伟大。




从共生经济学(Symbionomics)的角度看,《美乌矿产协议》不仅是一场资源合作,更是一种基于三零规则(Zero Tariffs, Zero Barriers, Zero Discrimination)的全球化3.0(Globalization 3.0)实践。共生经济学强调生产链、供应链、价值链(Production Chain, Supply Chain, Value Chain)的有机协作,最终推动全球经济向更加公平、高效、共赢的方向发展。


在这一协议中,美乌双方以资源和资本深度绑定,形成利益共生,正是共生经济学中“交互主体共生”(Intersubjective Symbiosism)的具体体现。乌克兰通过矿产资源获得重建资金,美国通过投资获取稳定的长期回报,这种合作超越了传统殖民式资源掠夺模式,而是基于双方优势互补、风险共担、利益共享的共生关系。


因为软、硬实力都是代价,是成本,谁是代价、成本呢,当然是美国立国基础的“我们人民”,所以,川普的政策逻辑里面,还有“降本赋能”(Cost Reduction and Empowerment)的要求,从而还有“提高效率,保障公平”(Enhancing Efficiency and Ensuring Fairness)的要求,而国际正义(Global Justice)和国家信誉(National Credibility)的要求。



而所有这些要求,都是有机地“寓于民选总统为人民(交易)的政策逻辑之中”(Embedded in the policy logic of the elected president for the people (deal))。


孞 烎



Being in Charge Means Knowing the Cost of Rice and Fuel
—On the Deep Binding of Interests in the US-Ukraine Mineral Agreement
The US-Ukraine Mineral Agreement, officially titled the “Agreement on the Rules and Conditions for Establishing the Ukraine Reconstruction Investment Fund,” consists of three main points:
1.The two parties will jointly establish a development fund. Ukraine will contribute 50% of the fund’s capital based on the assessed value of its national mineral resources and supporting infrastructure, while the US will contribute cash. The specific shares and responsibilities of both parties within the fund will be discussed in subsequent negotiations.
2.The fund will invest in mineral exploration, mining, and infrastructure construction across Ukraine.
3.All cash revenues generated by the fund must be reinvested within Ukraine.
This is not only a fair agreement (with both parties’ contributions and revenues remaining in Ukraine) but also a pact that deeply binds the interests of both nations—Ukraine’s territorial integrity (including reclaiming the four eastern regions) requires American support and guarantees, while the US President’s commitment to fulfilling this bilateral agreement (both in funding and military support) aligns with the interests of American taxpayers.
Simple commentary: This aligns perfectly with President Trump’s logic of embedding global justice within the framework of a democratically elected leader serving his people. Trump neither “throws money around” nor spends without reason, but when necessary, the money must be spent transparently and justifiably—an embodiment of the responsible attitude of “being in charge means knowing the cost of rice and fuel.”
First, the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers reportedly approved the agreement on Wednesday, February 26. If President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visits the US on the 28th and formally signs this agreement with President Donald Trump, their previous bargaining and heated exchanges only prove the sincerity of both sides.
Second, the world must understand that Trump’s “Make America Great Again” movement is fundamentally a concept of ecological civilization and intersubjective symbiosism (Intersubjective Symbiosism)—which inherently includes the vision of “Make Europe Great Again.” During his first term, Trump explained at the United Nations General Assembly that the leaders of every nation should be responsible for their own people and strive to make their countries great.
Third, based on these points, the world can better understand why Trump has directly called on European and Asia-Pacific allies to increase their defense budgets (to 5% of GDP).
Finally, the phrase “being in charge means knowing the cost of rice and fuel” reflects the role of a nation’s head of state as a temporary trustee managing the largest trust organization (the state) on behalf of its people. The “cost” here refers not only to material interests—hard power—but also to spiritual values—soft power. All costs, benefits, and values must ultimately align with the foundational principle of the United States: “We the People.” This perspective explains Trump’s transactional governance approach.
In this governance logic, both hard and soft power are costs, and those costs are ultimately borne by the American people. Therefore, Trump’s policy logic includes a strong emphasis on cost reduction and capacity building (“降本赋能”), which translates into the twin demands of improving efficiency and ensuring fairness. These demands organically integrate global justice and national credibility into a democratic president’s transactional policy framework.
The Symbionomics Perspective:
From the lens of Symbionomics (共生经济学), the US-Ukraine mineral agreement exemplifies the shift toward Globalization 3.0—a model characterized by the interdependence of production chains, supply chains, and value chains under the principles of zero tariffs, zero barriers, and zero discrimination. Unlike the conquest-driven Globalization 1.0 or the trade-focused Globalization 2.0, Globalization 3.0 emphasizes cooperative symbiosis among diverse actors.
This agreement binds the strategic interests of both nations into a mutually beneficial framework. Ukraine gains not just financial support but the infrastructure and security required for long-term reconstruction. The US, in turn, secures critical resource access while ensuring that its investments directly serve regional stability and prosperity.
This symbiotic partnership aligns with the core tenets of Symbionomics: balancing self-interest with collective well-being through fair and transparent mechanisms. In this context, Trump’s transactional approach reveals its philosophical depth—ensuring that every deal benefits not only the parties involved but also contributes to a more equitable and interconnected global order.
Archer Hong Qian
February 27, 2025




