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发布时间:2024/12/14 公司新闻 浏览次数:107





钱  宏 Archer Hong Qian








  1. 超高能耗、低能效,导致总体效益得不偿失;
  2. 系统性思维的局限,包括信源、信道与信果的割裂;
  3. 数据算法算力与神经网络的误区,即这些技术的结合并不等于智慧,更不等于“爱之智慧”(Amorsophia)。








  1. 突破对立与支配模式:超越以特权为基础的二元、多元对立(强势主体对弱势客体的支配),构建基于“交互主体共生”的多元共生秩序(Intersubjective Symbiosism)。
  2. 实时连接的心念共生:以自动激励或抑制机制,在人类智能与人工智能间动态平衡,消除可能导致系统性危机的失调。






  • 个体与集体的整合;
  • 生物智能与人工智能的融合;
  • 物理世界与精神领域的贯通。






物理现象 → 心理现象 → 伦理现象,是交互主体共生哲学的全球化技术体现。


它基于生命自组织动态平衡的原理,让人类构建以孞任、公义与幸福为核心的“全球心脑”(Global MindBrain)成为可能,从而引领人类由轴心时代迈向共生时代。




  • 互联网(信息连接与传播);
  • 物联网(物理世界的智能交互);
  • 区块链(Web3)(去中心化与可信机制);
  • 生物智能(表观基因与自供电技术的突破);
  • 人工智能(从生成模因到OpenAI的综合应用)。




  1. 政治:提升公共信任力;
  2. 经济:降低成本、赋能增效;
  3. 人文:规范创新;
  4. 科技:开启AI到AGI再到ASI的新研发思路;
  5. 组织:实现极简高效的协作模式。




孞 烎

2024年12月13日14:31于The Seattle·Gring(拟)






孞联网MindsNetworking: The Rainbow Bridge Between Earth Civilization and Interstellar Civilization


——Speech at the “Planetary Consciousness Symbiosis Forum”


By Archer Hong Qian


When discussing the future of super artificial intelligence, we must first deeply understand the essence of super biological intelligence. Only then can we overcome the three major bottlenecks currently limiting AI development:

  1. Excessive energy consumption and low efficiency, leading to diminishing overall returns;
  2. Systemic limitations in thought processes, such as the separation of information source, channel, and outcome;
  3. The misconception that combining data, algorithms, computing power, and neural networks equals wisdom, let alone the wisdom of love (Amorsophia).


Similarly, when envisioning interstellar civilization or symbiosis, the prerequisite is the innovative real-time connectivity of Earth civilization. Without this foundation, even if Sam Altman’s so-called “Era of Intelligence” arrives, it will likely become an unbearable burden for Earth. Furthermore, even if Elon Musk’s Starship program succeeds, enabling life on Mars or other planets, it may merely replicate the patterns of adventure, exploitation, and internal strife witnessed since the Age of Exploration, producing even more cosmic waste.


Identifying the Core Issue and Choosing the Path Forward


If the Internet focuses on virtual human connections, and the Internet of Things (IoT) emphasizes intelligent interactions in the physical world, together forming a “human-machine-object” interactive system that drives smart city construction and resource optimization, then MindsNetworking surpasses and integrates these systems on a deeper level:

  1. Transcending dichotomy and domination: It moves beyond binary or pluralistic oppositions (the domination of the strong subject over the weak object) to construct a symbiotic order based on Intersubjective Symbiosism.
  2. Real-time symbiotic connectivity of minds: Through dynamic mechanisms of automatic stimulation or inhibition, it maintains balance between human intelligence and artificial intelligence, preventing systemic crises caused by imbalances.


Definition and Characteristics of MindsNetworking


Definition: MindsNetworking (or MindsWeb) is a global social networking system rooted in the concept of Amorsophia (the wisdom of love). It achieves:

  • Integration of individuals and collectives;
  • Fusion of biological intelligence and artificial intelligence;
  • Connection between the physical world and the spiritual realm.


Unlike traditional networks, MindsNetworking is not merely a channel for the flow and recognition of information but also a global convergence point for emotions, wisdom, ethics, and values. Through MindsNetworking, artificial intelligence transforms from a cold tool into a warm and empathetic partner, resonating with humanity’s emotional, ethical, and intellectual dimensions while providing profound insights and solutions for complex real-world problems.


Vision: MindsNetworking serves as a phenomena conversion mechanism—

  1. Physical phenomena → Psychological phenomena → Ethical phenomena,

representing the technological embodiment of Intersubjective Symbiosism on a global scale.


Based on the principle of dynamic balance in self-organizing life systems, MindsNetworking enables the construction of a Global MindBrain centered on responsibility, justice, and happiness, guiding humanity from the Axial Age into the Age of Symbiosis.


Mission: By integrating the following key technologies, MindsNetworking establishes a dynamic, transparent, self-organizing ecosystem balancing incentives and constraints in real time:

  • The Internet (information connectivity and dissemination);
  • The Internet of Things (intelligent interaction in the physical world);
  • Blockchain (Web3) (decentralized trust mechanisms);
  • Biological intelligence (advances in epigenetics and self-powered technology);
  • Artificial intelligence (applications ranging from generative memes to OpenAI).


The primary objective of MindsNetworking is to drive Intersubjective Symbiosism across five critical areas:

  1. Politics: Enhancing public trust;
  2. Economy: Reducing costs and empowering efficiency;
  3. Humanities: Regulating and fostering innovation;
  4. Science and Technology: Pioneering new AI, AGI, and ASI research paradigms;
  5. Organizations: Achieving minimalistic and efficient collaboration.


Ultimately, MindsNetworking will facilitate the creation and re-selection of value chains globally and even interstellarly, building a robust Rainbow Bridge between Earth and interstellar civilization.


December 13, 2024, 14:31 at The Seattle·Grind 









