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发布时间:2024/11/24 公司新闻 浏览次数:164







钱  宏 Archer Hong Qian




























Archer Hong Qian












坐标温哥华的世界NGO公益组织Intersubjective Symbiosism,重申“俄乌止战/止盈的第三条思路”(刊于香港《文化中国》总第118期):


















俄乌战争终结,改写世界秩序——交互主体共生重塑“国际关系学”(Intersubjective Symbiosism Reshapes “International Relations”)



Flip the Limits, Awaken Symbiosis


Five Ways to End Human Wars


——Appendix Reference: “The Third Path to Ending the Ukraine War”


By Archer Hong Qian

From the perspective of natural law, human warfare is a unique kind of ecological war.

Especially in the era of firearms, human ecological wars, once ignited, have an extraordinary engulfing power. Not only can they drag all of humanity, but they can also entangle all life on Earth, utilizing all possible means of cruelty and destruction to a devastating degree. Once a war starts, no one can simply “call it off.” Wars are easy to ignite (often in a moment of thought) but extremely difficult to end (and nearly impossible to clean up afterward). Moreover, to date, there has never been a precedent in human history where a war was arbitrated and ended by any single person or institution.

Modern wars can only be ended in five ways:

First, a comprehensive and overwhelming victory is achieved by the stronger and often righteous side, forcing the weaker and unjust side to surrender. Examples include World War I, World War II, the Gulf War, and the Kosovo War.

Second, the war becomes so costly that both sides feel it is “not worth it.” They then negotiate intermittently between battles, ultimately reaching a ceasefire agreement. Alternatively, one side, in addition to finding the war unprofitable, faces massive “anti-war pressure” and chooses to abandon the conflict. The former includes the Korean War, the Middle East Wars, the Iran-Iraq War, and the India-Pakistan Wars, while the latter includes the Vietnam War and the Afghan War.

Third, both parties feel they cannot afford to lose and have no way out, especially when holding extraordinary weapons such as nuclear, biological, or IT-AI weaponry. This scenario leads to mutual destruction, possibly culminating in the end of the world (and the “Sixth Mass Extinction” of Earth’s species). This is a “non-method method” of ending wars, with no winners. Although contemporary humanity may be passionate or self-inflated, a degree of rationality still exists, which is why there has been no precedent for this outcome.

Fourth, prolonged warfare leaves both sides unable to win, exhausting all capabilities and reaching the limit of what is bearable. They suddenly realize that the war was unnecessary from the start and was caused by misguided beliefs and misjudgments, leading to long-term devastation. In this awakening, they choose to “negotiate peace.” The most typical example is the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), which ended with the Treaty of Westphalia, establishing the “sovereign (nation-state)” world order that followed.

So, I ask: Is it possible for the “three-year war” between Russia and Ukraine to emulate this “negotiation” model? Could this result in a historic achievement to “resolve conflict and rebuild a new world order”?

I believe that if the parties involved (whether actively or passively, directly or indirectly) and contemporary humanity can demonstrate sufficient wisdom, courage, responsibility, and perseverance, it might be possible to negotiate peace and ultimately sign a “Global Symbiosis Pact” (drawing inspiration from Kant’s Perpetual Peace), making any ambition to dominate the world politically an impossibility.

Regarding the end of the three-year Russia-Ukraine war, I not only consider this fifth method plausible but firmly believe that “flipping the limits, awakening symbiosis” should become the mainstream effort of the international community today and is the most worthwhile goal to pursue! The key lies in whether contemporary international society and the warring parties have the wisdom, courage (responsibility), and determination to achieve this!

This is why we wrote Global Symbiosis Pact (Draft)—Rewritten on the 1000th Day of the Ukraine War in the context of time and space.

孞 烎
Morning of November 23, 2024, in Vancouver

Archer Hong Qian
Chairman of the Global Symbiosism Society (CANADA) Academic Committee
Founder of Symbionomics
Academic Committee Member of Shanghai United Nations Studies Association
Member of the Chinese Writers Association
+1 604 690 6088





The Third Path to Ending the War in Ukraine

The Vancouver-based global NGO Intersubjective Symbiosism reit“third path” to cease the Russia-Ukraine war and stabilize the situation (publishedCulture China, Issue

1. A Two-Stage Withdrawal of Russian Troops from All Occupied Ukrainian Territories (within Ukraine’s internationally recognized 1991 borders)

  • First stage: RusFebruary 24, 2022.
  • Second stage: RusCrimea, occupied in 2014, and
  • To ensure a *safe and orderly withdrawal, Ukinternational peacekeeping force (primarily led by European countries) wil

2. Special Protections for Five Disputed Regions & Their Potential New Sovereignty

  • To facilitate Ukraine’s reconstruction and address lingering concerns,formally recognize five di95%.
  • However, instead of merely promising “special protections,” Ukraine could agree to allow these regions the option of becoming new sovereign states under the **strictstrict oversight of international organizations (United Nations Trusteeship Council, UN Human Rights Council) aninternational peacekeeping forces.
  • This approach does not mean Ukraine is trading land for peace bensuring lasting stability—sinas seen with the 1994 Budapest Memorandum).

3. A Political Counterbalance: A New Sovereign State in Russia’s Westernmost Region

  • As a political balancing act, Russia’s isolated Kaliningrad Oblast (which does not share a land border with mainland Russia) could also be considered for potential sovereignty under international oversight.
  • This new state could be named the “Königsberg Republic,” honoring the birthplace of Immanuel Kant (author of Perpetual Peace), David Hilbert (renowned mathematician), and E.T.A. Hoffmann (famous writer).

4. A Trade-Off: Lifting Sanctions & Dropping War Crime Charges

In exchange for these steps, the international community would:

  1. Drop war crimes charges against Russian leaders for the invasion of Ukraine.
  2. Unfreeze Russia’s foreign currency reserves that have not yet been confiscated.
  • Russia, a nation that has contributed Lomonosov, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Mendeleev, Tchaikovsky, Andropov, Solzhenitsyn, and Yeltsin to the world, must also be allowed to rebuild—it cannot be left to collapse entirely.
  • Moreover, Ukraine and Russia must eventually establish a new relationship of coexistence.

If This “Third Path” Can Be Implemented, It Would Achieve:

1. A Permanent End to Russia’s Strategic Concerns

  • This would eliminate Russia’s geopolitical anxieties and offer Putin a dignified exit, preventing Russia from further using Europe’s resources as a pretext for expansion.

2. Resolving Ukraine’s Internal Cultural & Ethnic Conflicts

  • This solution would address three key tensions within Ukraine:
    • Religious divide (Greek Catholic Church vs. Russian Orthodox Church)
    • Linguistic divide (Ukrainian speakers vs. Russian speakers)
    • Economic divide (Developed central/western regions vs. old Soviet-style industrial zones)
  • Ukraine would be free to focus on reconstruction and could allow its eastern territories and Crimea to evolve into small but prosperous states, similar to Switzerland, Belgium, Finland, Singapore, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and the Baltic states—all successful models.

3. A Blueprint for Restructuring Global Security in the AI Era

  • This framework could serve as a model for rebuilding the post-WWII international security system based on the UN, providing real-world motivation for a “Global Symbiosis Pact” that aligns with ecological civilization and the AI age.

The end of the Russia-Ukraine war will reshape international relations theory (“Intersubjective Symbiosism Reshapes “International Relations””).




  • 回复


    作者:Archer Hong Qian



    意识到战争的徒劳:在造成巨大痛苦的长期战争中,各方最终意识到冲突的起因是不必要的。这可能会导致觉醒和谈判,就像三十年战争所见,最终导致威斯特伐利亚和约(1618-1648 年)。









